So.. You made it this far..
Art has no..official description, definition or explanation..

Over the ages.. Art has played a dominate role in "S.E.l.F" expression.. Individuals from every time period, passed down either there handmade craftsmanship.. Or there innovative idealogies..

Creative thinking(you should already know) elevates your life entirely.. When u sharpen or drawing illustrative skills or..enhance the way you write (put together art with this bastard language)

You are stealing the fate ..of the most notorious position to play.

The imagination.. Is a subject matter that has been suppressed.
Either because you gotta be imaginative in your thinking patterns.. Or the imaginary.. Outlandish perceptions don't inhabit your collection of neuronal function..

that's what art does!
Art inspires inventions, primitive tools, and ideas that produce.. A way of experience..(an Open mind is a friend of mine)

Art ..has and always will have a underlying agenda attached to it..based on its contents.. Art can take many forms..packaged.. And repackaged.. Like a gift

Art is an outlet to the criminally insane.. art can facilitate your emotional status.. It can change your life.. A creative rebellion is what I think<---- is needed at this time..(I am no one special)

Poetry.. Is quite an example.. Of a way you can let the inner mind speak..

You see something peculier the bipolar weather, polarized personalities, try writing about it..

"So you are talking about art, and its relation to us as a people cool'..
But uh. What..

so you create stuff?

Well yea..(thanks for asking)
I've been known to
Have dedicated my free time(sounds like all the time) to music construction, elaborate music enhanceing software..and outside of hell thinking..

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Once you're gone...all that remains is your children, memories, and your art.

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