Before we begin, I want to share a video with you.  

I hope you have a sense of humor, because that's how we get down in HOODX.  

This video is hilarious.  Have you ever seen it before?  

It's the mindset of a lot of people when they first get to this page.  

Check it out!

The problem with people is that we all have a little bit of Uncle Ruckus in us, don't we?  Whether we are afraid to admit it or not.  It's actually quite hilarious once you accept it.  We don't trust new nixxas.  I get it.  That's why I want you to know that I understand what it's like when it's time to make a decision.  But there is something that we all need to understand about Uncle Ruckus.  He doesn't like REVOLUTION.

As I continue to move forward with this REVOLUTIONARY vision, I intend on meeting like minded individuals who are interested in joining our corporate revolution.  You see, the thing about Uncle Ruckus is that he is like a lot of us...He's comfortable.  He doesn't want things to change.  Even though he should.  

Are you like Uncle Ruckus?  Do you fear change?  Do you like things the way they are?  Do you enjoy turning on the news everyday and seeing more news reports about corporate greed and tax cuts for the upper class?  Do you enjoy being surrounded by people with suspended drivers licenses, child support problems, and court cases who have given up on their dreams?  Are you different from all the negative people in your hood?  Do you want to revolutionize the way they think?  Do you want to stop the spread of people who think like Uncle Ruckus?  

Well guess what? is the REAL CHANGE that EMPOWERS YOU!

By using Empower Network, we are able to get you paid simply by sharing the REVOLUTIONARY, mind-blowing information on this site.  


Here is a break down of the Empower Network Compensation Plan that we use.

So you can use the HOODX Empower Network System to multiply your ideas, information, and intellect with your like minded friends, all while providing them with the same opportunity.  This is an excellent way to fund your passions and dreams, all while networking with like minded in their business, creative, or revolutionary side.

Here is what you get for your $25.

This is a breakdown of the E-Wallet, where your money goes when people invest in your business.  The E-Wallet is changing how everyone is getting paid on the internet.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask below.  But I would advise you the same advice that Empower Network Ceo David Wood told me.

"Get in.  Now!"

If you're done making excuses, and singing the Uncle Ruckus song...if you're ready to JOIN THE REAL REVOLUTION and start MAKING MONEY, sign up here!

If you would like a full Empower Network presentation, watch this video:

For full information about becoming a Corporate Adimistrator, go here.

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