Our HOODX Network grass roots campaign is working! Over the past year, 10 TV providers have added HOODX with more coming soon. In every instance, they told us that they added HOODX because their local residents — YOU — asked for it.
HOODX Television Network is the most highly requested network for TV providers small and large. Thank you!
If that’s true, then you may be wondering why it’s taking so long for other TV providers to add HOODX TV Network. Simply put: power, self-interest and politics.
It’s challenging for independent networks like HOODX TV Network — with no ties to big corporations and who answer only to themselves and their audiences — to get added to channel line ups of large TV providers. Whether or not independent networks are made available to their customers, or can survive at all, rests in the hands of a few decision makers at large companies like DIRECTV, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, AT&T UVERSE, Verizon FiOS and Charter.
Today, these 6 companies control what about 75% of Americans can (and can’t) see as part of their pay TV subscriptions. If Comcast and Time Warner Cable merge, 5 will be in control. That leaves you with very little choice.
The proposed merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable won’t improve this situation. That’s why we’ve been asking you to join us in telling the FCC why this merger of giants isn’t in the public’s best interest.
Comcast owns television networks and the cable television systems that distribute those networks. It makes business sense for Comcast to favor its own networks (like NBC and MSNBC) and exclude a competitive network like HOODX TV Network, (and one whose politics they disagree with).
When will Comcast and other large TV providers understand that it makes good business sense to listen to customers and give them what they want for their hard earned dollars?
We’re not exactly sure and we thank you for being patient and persistent. Let’s keep the pressure on and get these big companies to listen. While there are no silver bullets, here are some things we can do to TODAY to make a difference:
First, if you haven’t already done so, let the FCC know why the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger is not in the public interest — your interest. Let them know independent voices are important and that you want more choice, more competition and lower cable bills.
Thanks to you, just one week into our campaign we’ve rocketed past our goal of 5 television stations!! We now have 10 stations! Which is only more reason to keep it going!
Let your voices be heard and show them your strength!
Next, contact the TV providers in your area. Let them know you want HOODX TV and won’t remain or become a customer until they do.
Finally, if your TV provider already carries HOODX TV, don’t forget to thank them for listening.
Members: 16
Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2024