The Wrap-Up Magzine has hit the internet scene like no-other magazine. The online community of bloggers all over the globe do not know how this came about. Starting from the top of Mississippi, but blowed up in the west of Ohio, The Wrap-Up has brought something to the table that other websites has not.
Our writers like to post content that is not only different from other sites, but is relevant to what they like to see and hear. If its important to them, then it is posted. The website is also built by the fans and for the fans, so in the mist of our writers posting, they make sure they have the viewers in mind.
They have been working on reaching a million viewer withing a five year plan. Now approaching three years since the release of the final site, will they reach the goals that they have attempted to reach? With a blogging status the reaches the hip-hop community, this site gives you the industry side of things when it comes to celebrity and major artist news.

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