Alleged KKK Shοoter Once Found in Backseat With Black Male Prostιtute

Alleged KKK Shοoter Once Found in Backseat With Black Male Prostιtute

Frazier Glenn Miller, the bigoted gunmen who fatally shοt three people at a Jewish center Glenn Miller.jpgearlier this month, has a long criminal record. One of the former Klansmen’s arrests stands out because it involved Miller having sεx with a black male prostιtute.

Miller has a long history in the white supremacist movement, according to Gawker, and has styled himself as a soldier for the racist cause.

Since Miller steadfastly supported the cause of white supremacy, it was all the more curious that he would snitch on his brothers in arms back in the 1980′s. Recent revelations, however, make it clear why Miller quickly decided to flip and help out the Feds.

From ABC News:

In the course of their investigation, authorities also learned the stunning details of Miller’s arrest a year earlier. Raleigh police officers had caught Miller in the back seat of a vehicle, in mid-act with a black male prostitυte masquerading as a woman.

“It was pretty shocking,” says McCullough, “because of his personal stances that he had taken and what he was now accused on engaging in.”

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