Artist Spotlight: Papa Bondye is "Turnt Up" on his new single @JrSourcesDotNet

Papa Bondye, meaning Father God in Creole, was Born in New Jersey. After his parents split, his mom sent him to Tennessee to be with his father. As a kid from the east coast, he adapted to southern street life fast.
Papa Bondye enjoyed playing drums as a young child. Listening to a lot of konpa and hip hop fed, and influenced Papa Bondye's natural ear for music. He has been writing poems since he was old enough to write. At 22yrs old, Papa Bondye started out behind the scenes managing and developing artist.
He had no desire to be in spotlight, due to dark pass living street life and being gang leader. He finally decided to pursue his own music career after coming to the realization that he was putting too much time and energy into other artists, whom he felt didn't quite share the same passion for music as he did.
Papa Bondye is very passionate when it comes to his Haitian roots and culture. Yes, it is safe to say he is most definitely a spokesman for the country of Haiti, as he never leaves home without his Haitian flag. His hobbies include being a family man, and helping others. Everywhere he travels and the streets he is well respected, hence calling himself the god father.
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