Bo Pain digs deep into his thoughts in new song "Conscious"

When it comes to pain, thoughts cross your mind that may have you over thinking situations or life period. These thoughts may take you off your goals and consistency. When you have real people asking you the right questions you start moving in the direction you should.

Bo Pain represents the city of Richmond, Va where his focus is nothing but his music. There was a time in his life where his thoughts had him thinking in different directions which made him end up creating the single "Conscious". Linking up with producer Clef Majors, Bo Pain is now on the path he should be. With questions and comments like "What you doing with the music, bro"? and You have to much potential it was only right he drop this song.

We are in a world where the wrong people may surround you, but when you have the right people behind you the only direction you can go is up. “Conscious” the official video is available now on YouTube. You must hear it to understand where Bo Pain is coming from.

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