CallMePhats goes Bar 4 Bar in new Visual “Muy Bien”

As we continue to move through 2022, hip hop is returning to a time where you have to have sharp lyrics to be considered a talent in this industry. Figuring out a way to add that known talent into today’s beats was never a challenge or an obstacle. What lyricist may call it is an opportunity to show growth.

If you travel to Los Angeles, California you will find an artist named CallMePhats who easily takes lyrical talent and combines it with today’s head knocking beats. Connecting with producer E-Dub, CallMePhats creates new single "Muy Bien" where he goes bar for bar with his lyrical delivery.

To add more to the fire, he releases the official visual directed by Videographer "Butter" where style and smooth transitions matches CallMePhats bar delivery. We can tell you and paint you more of a picture on what to expect but we rather you see with your own eyes why CallMePhats is on another level.

View the official view for Muy Bien on YouTube now


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