Check Out Diego Bo$$ - Designer Fever

Diego Bo$$

Designer Fever


Lorenzo Duren better known to his peers and the social community as Diego Bo$$ is a 27 year old “turned” well known rapper in the DMV. Diego grew up all over Prince George's County better known as PG County which is predominantly urban minority so growing up “wasn't a walk in the park”. In Diego’s own words: "I’ve seen so many young kids my age pass away due to violence and drugs so I feel blessed to have made it this far".

Diego attended Crossland High School in Temple Hills, Maryland graduating in 2005. The DMV rapper grew up with both parents in his life but due to his father being in and out of jail, he was mainly raised by his strong single mom Erma Freeman. Anyone close to Diego Bo$$ would tell you that Lorenzo and his rapper alter-ego are night and day. By day, Lorenzo is the hardworking 9-5 father of a beautiful 2 year old daughter named Layla but at night, Diego Bo$$ is THE “turnt up” party king who surrounds himself with beautiful women and alcohol.

All this is well expressed in his music with releases entitled “Designer Fever”, “Cut It” freestyle, and his viral “Panda” remix available on Soundcloud and other digital outlets. Diego Bo$$ is not only a turnt rapper or a rapper that can get the crowd “jumping around”, but a clever lyricist and strong word play that sets him apart from many club rappers. The DMV club rapper does not consider him-self an overnight success grinding hard in the underground rap scene from the age of 21.

The “work hard club crowd entertainer” has already amassed support from major artists opening for Meek Mill and other celebrity rappers. In the local scene, Diego Bo$$ won a few 1st place talent contests and is recognized as one of the “go to” club rappers in the DMV area. However, what many don’t know is that Diego Bo$$ was on the verge of quitting rap due to “janky” promoters misrepresenting what Hip Hop truly is. Diego’s distrust in the business side of the game took a back seat to his love of music which propelled him forward. Diego expresses this love as " I can't do nothing but rap, all I think about is rap, when I'm in the shower I rap, at work I rap so that's what I been put on this earth to do ". Diego Bo$$ has plans on becoming the greatest rapper ever and through his grind and determination the goals seem very reachable.

Social media links soundcloud :
Instagram :

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