Check Out Mission Statement Entertainment and Tara Thomas Agency presents THAT NATION WHOLE NOTHA VIDEO

That Nation

That Nation Whole Notha Video

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Mission Statement Ent
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Mission Statement Entertainment's mission statement is to bring back the integrity and the grass roots of music as a whole. We want to also bring it back to appeal to the masses of common people that cannot afford or does not have the finances to buy such extravagant things as Jordans, Audemars Piguet's, Robin's Jeans and Bugatti's. While focused on youth, but even appealing to adults, we want people to be able to relate to the artist, the artist's music and know what adversities they are going through, have gone through in the past, and the struggles or situation they are dealing with now. In light of that, they want to be able to find a solution in the end to help them and the common person cope with everyday life from something they've heard in a song. No matter what ethnicity we are, one things for certain, we love some type of music as a whole, no matter what category. That's the responsibility and the power of music.

We believe that's what the hip hop hybrid group "That Nation" represents. They represent responsibility that comes with power, they represent the common person and most of all the void that's missing in music.

"That Nation" are from a small town in Opelousas, Louisiana that many people does not know exist on the map, let alone in Louisiana. They are proving that you don't have to be from a big city in order to have great talent. These 2 gentlemen known as Yung Dezzy-D and Lil Bill Swavey represent their true selves to fullest in their music by giving you their everyday life instead of a fictional dream that has never been lived by either. They speak on the struggles of growing from boys to manhood; ie, family, friendships, dating/relationships, work and their inner selves. They have a story to tell and their story should definitely be heard by the masses. These gentlemen's music will bridge the age generation gap and ethnic boundaries in hip hop, music and the world. The movement is already taking effect and happening. We are the world , we are one race, we are one nation, That Nation!

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