Travie Tru




I am a 22 year old rapper originally from Alexandria, VA. I've traveled all over the world, I've been to Korea, Guam, Japan, Germany, and all over the U.S. I'm now in Kansas City, KS trying to get my music noticed. My biological father left me and my mom when I was about a year old, my mom and I were left to go it alone for a few years, until my stepfather came into our lives. Living as an army kid we moved around a lot, I played ball for army base teams and two years in college twice at different schools in Kansas. I also tried out for a team in California. While in Cali I decided to make my first mixtape, after I was cut from the team. Life has taught me not to get attached to things and work hard because you don't know when your last day on this earth will be. My friend/teammate WT3 (William Tremble 3rd) died two years ago by a the hands of a close friend. He was the best man at the wedding of the man who murdered him. This has taught me to trust no one and watch your back. I've been through a diversion program for possession of marijuana (age 18), and I've survived a car wreck in which the airbags didn't deploy (age 19). I've hustled my whole life to find success -Travie

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