From the man using his body to block violent mob to the boy handing out water to riot cops: Moments of kindness in Baltimore amid the violence

  • Thousands of Baltimore residents pitched in to clean up the city on Tuesday after a night of riots and looting 
  • Two moving images surfaced, showing a young boy passing out water to cops and another man protecting a police line from an agitated crowd  

After a night of violence, looting and lawlessness, residents of Baltimore turned out Tuesday with incredible shows of humanity and compassion. 

Among the moments captured by cameras was a heartwarming photo of a young boy passing out water bottles to a line of police officers in riot gear

In a community where even the police commissioner has admitted to a strained relationship between cops and residents, it was a moving gesture. 

And the unidentified boy wasn't the only one going out of his way to calm tensions on Tuesday. 

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Act of kindness: This little boy was pictured handing out water bottles to police in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday, following a night of violent riots 

Act of kindness: This little boy was pictured handing out water bottles to police in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday, following a night of violent riots 

A video quickly went viral of a local man calming down a crowd who looked ready to attack police officers in riot gear.

The large man pushes back on a few members of the crowd yelling 'Don't give them a reason.' 

He eventually puts his body between the crowd, with his back to police and arms outstretched - aiming to block off any violent confrontation between the cops and protesters. 

All over the city, protesters seemed to be keeping themselves in check during the day on Tuesday. Baltimore Sun police reporter Justin Fenton reported that as police began getting hit with bottles and rocks, members of the crowd began 'handling their own' and the violence stopped without officers having to intervene. 

'Do not give them a reason' Baltimore man tries to calm riots
Protecting cops: Another citizen was seen protecting a line of police officers from a riled up group 

Protecting cops: Another citizen was seen protecting a line of police officers from a riled up group 

'Don't give them a reason' the man shouted to the group as he kept his arms outstretched in front of police

'Don't give them a reason' the man shouted to the group as he kept his arms outstretched in front of police

Last night, 20 police officers were injured when protests over the death of local man Freddie Gray turned to rioting and looting. 

In the chaos, some 150 cars were set on fire, 19 buildings burned and more than 200 arrests made.

As the fires fizzled out Tuesday morning, thousands of local Baltimore residents came together to clean up the city. 

'I thought it was my civic duty to come out to restore my neighborhood,' local Myra Keane told CBS Baltimore. 

Coming together: Thousands also chipped in to help clean up some of the damage from last night's violence which saw more than 100 vehicles and more than a dozen buildings burned

Coming together: Thousands also chipped in to help clean up some of the damage from last night's violence which saw more than 100 vehicles and more than a dozen buildings burned

Baltimore mayor calls day after riots 'good day' for the city

And since school had been cancelled for the day, churches opened up their doors as a place for kids to hang out and eat - many suffering from the day off since they get free or reduced meals at school. 

Monday night's riots were tiring for the community - especially the local journalists who were up all night covering the violence. 

The offices of the Baltimore Sun got a special treat though of free pizza at lunch, sent by the Boston Globe newspaper. It was a gesture returned after the Sun paid for a Globe staff meal in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings. 

A journalist for the Guardian newspaper also tweeted a thanks to the Sun for letting him and his co-workers work out of their offices while covering the riots.  

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