Christian "Cordell" Richardson, is an artist/songwriter from Delaware, who makes HipHop/Rap music from the influences of Lil Wayne, Drake, Nas, and many more. He started releasing music in 2019 but wrote songs since a child. Always trying to stay lyrical while expressing his love for life and his family. He's performed a number times in the New Jersey area showcasing and practicing his talents for music. He's always trying to improve in every category of his craft possible.


He's released 2 projects, his best yet being "Wait & See" which brings you into his personal life while keeping your head bopping, with the goal to show his true potential and improvement in his craft. It was a huge jump in quality and production from his first project "The Beginning" where he was more testing what it takes to put together a project but still going into his life as a middle child to his family. He's in the works of his third project yet to be titled, but plans to spend more time working on singles this year.



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