Energetic and Impactful: Minnesota's 000Andre Drops an Eclectic Hip Hop, Rap and RnB Treat Leading Up to Summer 2019

Upcoming Minnesota artist 000Andre lets us feel the heat of the summer waving through in his energetic and fun single, "Switch Up."

Reminiscent of the title, 000Andre switches up an outpouring of wordplay blending opposites in adjacent or even the same lines. Some stand out fragments of these include, "I'ma fix a wild nigga, my nigga shoot to care," and "I got bad bitches, yeah I fuck 'em but I don't kiss 'em... I'm lying to you, I admit it, I love these bitches."

The summer atmosphere and positive energy already become established from the opening bars of a steel-drum-sounding synth loop, a chill vibe you could expect to pass by on a beach side—a vibe sustained throughout the track as a foundation upon which 000Andre switches up not only his play on words, but also his eclectic mix of hip hop, rap and R&B: Just half way into "Switch Up," 000Andre shifts from lyrical rapping to vibe rapping with an R&B flavor. With the autotune triggered, 000Andre vibes a hovering melodic display.

In just one minute and fifty seconds, 000Andre flips through a wide array of desires, pleasures and goals, from love and sex, through beefs with others, through his money-making mission, through mentions of his little sister, and possibly other messages held cryptic in 000Andre's context waiting to be deciphered. After its R&B-esque middle section, 000Andre returns to the original section he opened with, a first-rate showcase of using repetition in a short song to penetrate his main lines into listeners' memory reserves.

But it's not a track that aims at such a surgical analysis. You could have already listened to the song a couple of times by the time it took you to read this. Simply switch it on and let 000Andre switch it up for you.

- Review by @44faced

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