[Exclusive] Dr. Minister John Taylor Jr.'s Gospel Ministries: Offering Compassion To The Helpless

Dr. Minister John Taylor Jr. was born in Peoria, Illinois and was adopted by The Late John Albert Taylor & The Late Letha Ann Taylor. He was adopted through Catholic Charities and raised in Jackson Ms. Dr. John Taylor he has been preaching since he was 16 teen years old since 2000 he started at New Ebenezer Baptist Church. He is the founder of John Jr Gospel a 501c3 religious organization church Ministries which helps Seniors.

children with special needs such as autism, children who don’t have fathers in their home or proper mentors and children who were Cancer Survivors who God has helped because of his love and support for the children.

He has also been honored by The State Of Mississippi Concurrently & In Washington by The Chairmen Of Homeland Security Congressmen Bennie G. Thompson.

John Jr. Gospel Ministries is helping those who can’t help themselves.





Donate today to John Jr. Gospel Ministries to help those who can’t help themselves.


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