Faith Walker heart-warming new RnB EP “Head In the Clouds” with Interview

No matter what production she’s singing over, Faith Walker’s vocals stick out like a diamond in the ruff. Sharp and effulgent, these harmonies will spin celestially between your headphones, with the final effect being your “Head In The Clouds”. With that being said, these Los Angeles-born/Toronto-raised songstress couldn’t have titled her EP better.

Embarking on this album destines you for an cottony, R&B joyride. Not only does Faith prove magical with her singing; but her command of the early-2000 aesthetic of R&B is equally top notch. She glides soulfully, wafting through production that forwards heavy-hitting drums, and guitar-tinged, chord-waving instrumentation. These elements give “Head In The Clouds” a musical purity and authenticity that is impossible to ignore. Soar into songs such as the title track, as well as “Love By Now”, “Catch My Heart” (feat. Orion Tukal), and “Enough Of Your Love” and the beauty of this album will illuminate; deeming Faith Walker a beacon for the indie R&B circuit. For, if one thing can be concluded from listening to “Head In The Clouds”, it is that this amorous woman is destined for astronomical stardom. 

Full EP “Head In the Clouds” on Spotify 

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