Jasiah has released another track, in which he aims to create the perfect atmosphere for everyone to indulge and relax.

Party makes you want to be impulsive and spontaneous, Party makes you want to dance and chill with your friends, Party makes you have a good time and get lost in the moment. When you listen to this song, you feel at one with it, you are enchanted by its beat and automatically dance to it.

Jasiah says he wrote the song impulsively, it just came to him, just like the rhythm of the song comes to you. He started writing and knew something great was in the making. “Nobody helped me write it, my own creative thoughts,” he said to us.

The beat of the song is quite fast, which helps create the sensations in a non-stop fast-paced environment, yet you can still settle into it and enjoy yourself. Jasiah himself states that the lyrics are true, which was his inspiration. The lyrics are perfectly synced in with the beat and it makes you earn for the chorus to come around once more so you can hear how perfect it is all over again.

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jasiiahjr/

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