Johannes Brahms Cradle Song - Classical Baby Sleep Music 【Lullaby 2 Hours】 - HOODX 5.0: XVerse

Johannes Brahms Cradle Song - Classical Baby Sleep Music 【Lullaby 2 Hours】

Johannes Brahms Cradle Song Op. 49, No. 4, also known as Brahms Lullaby, is a famous cradle song. It was published in 1868, and became the most popular song for Johannes Brahms. This Johannes Brahms Cradle Song was dedicated to the birth of her friend's second son.

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What is Cradle Song?
Cradle song or lullaby is a soothing song or piece of music that is usually played for babies. Lullabies can be found in many countries since ancient times. They are usually quiet and gentle songs that calm, relax and send a baby to sleep.

These lullaby songs for babies and baby sleep music are in different styles that were written to help baby to fall asleep. Traditional and classical lullabies are composed by famous composers like Brahms, Mozart, Chopin as well as Beethoven. There are some well known nursery rhymes lullabies like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rockabye, You Are My Sunshine.

Johannes Brahms Cradle Song is a classical lullaby music for relax, peaceful, good night sleep.



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Music, Video Recorded and Produced by ©dreamlullaby.com. All right reserved.


Learn more info. check out here: https://youtu.be/aB0h0Tz2cWU

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