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As I was trying to do some work in this cluttered house, I turned on the tv and lo and behold, there was a 3D cartoon on called "Fanboy and Chum Chum". And at the end of the episode that I was trying to ignore, there were these three kids who had a genie...and the genie showed up to write down their wish. WHen they wished to never go to school again along with a bunch of other "kiddy" wishes, the genie told them that he only had one "order sheet" left to write their wish basically they only had one last wish. So one kid wrote on the paper that they should never have to go to school again. At this point, all they had to do was to go and give the paper to the principal, but they had to wait for the ink to dry. So, one kid turns the fan on and the paper gets sucked into the fan and it flies into a million pieces. So after trying to "conjure" spirits to fix the paper, the situation gets worse because the kid wasn't "conjuring" the spirits right, and there were frogs, locusts, and bugs that poofed into the apartment. So after finally giving up, they tape the paper back together and give it to the principal, who in turn, reads the shredded/taped paper incorrectly and sends the wrong student home "forever". At the end of the episode, the three kids are stuck doing homework during Spring Break. The final scene shows a shadow of the principal holding a pitchfork like the devil, and he is holding a sheep that has horns like the BAPHOMET. I was like...hell naw...
Here's the episode:
So as I was watching, it also made me think back to a concept that I was familiar with, but really didn't understand until recently. If you watch Aladdin, there is a scene right before Aladdin makes his first wish, when he asks the genie..."What would you wish for?" And the genie says "FREEDOM." This was a hard concept for Aladdin to understand because here was this all powerful genie, but he is under the control of a human. So the genie has to keep showing up and saying "Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need?" I saw this scene a million times, but really didn't understand what it was saying...
You see in the bible, Satan was called Lucifer before he became a "fallen angel". Before humans and animals walked the face of the earth, there was just raw energy flowing through earth. This energy had to take a physical form somehow. So under SEKER, the MOST HIGH put the energy into humans and told all of the angels, spirits, jinns, and genies to bow down and serve the humans.
Lucifer was like "Nigga, fuck that you crazy. They are supposed to bow to us...We are all powerful." So THE MOST HIGH kicked Lucifer out of heaven and sent him into hell, where he became Satan. This is also why there is a difference between worshipping Lucifer vs worshipping Satan, but that's a different story...
So what does this have to do with the genie...well you have to understand that there are powerful energies in the universe that "work" for us humans. Usually they want some type of sacrifice to appease them before they grant us our wishes...this is why in the Old Testament people used to do sacrifices to appease the gods so that the gods would grant them wishes. But at the end of the day, they really just want to be free.
So we have been granted a great power. We have "guardian angels" that protect us..but we don't know how to communicate with them. In fact, we don't even know their names. You have to understand that one of them brought you to me in a blood sacrifice...remember I told you...?
So as that episode of that cartoon came to a close...It made me realize that children have no idea what they are really watching.
Before I could turn the tv off, another episode came on. This one was called "Night Morning". Night morning is the AM hours that are dark, right before the sun comes up. So this little boy is up early in the morning and his friend is amazed that there is even a concept called "Night Morning".
Now for the past two months I've been building with Po, who always tells me that I need to wake up right before the sun comes up, go outside and listen to the birds chirp. There is nobody really outside. Its kind of like when you turn the computer on and it has to load up. The earth is loading. So if you are awake and you can PERCEIVE the universe during this time of day, it will effect your perception for the rest of the day. We have to watch the sun in order move with it throughout the day. Because I am a man, I am based off SOLAR energy. Because you are a woman, you are based on LUNAR energy...the menstrual cycle. That means the energy you give off is in waves, were as the energy I give off is in rays. The best way for me to build my energy is to wake up and watch the sun come up and plan my day according to where the sun is in the sky. Sound like something you've heard before? It's called TIME.
Time is based strictly on where the sun is. The mood you have during the day is based on this as well. At 8am, you feel a certain way almost everyday. Regardless of what's going on with you, you are programmed to get up, take the dogs out and get ready for work. You know you have to do this according to where the sun is in the sky, regardless if you want to or not. This is SEKER. The avatar that controls your work habits even when you are unaware of them. When you are at work, you know that you have to go and pick up the kids at 2pm. Your body naturally gravitates toward where you have to be at that time. Same thing when you come home, even though your mind may be on five different things, your body will automatically prepare food, take the dogs out, and clean. This avatar is called SEKER. Even though you don't enjoy doing these things, your body overrides the pleasure principle in your head and does it anyway. But you must understand that this avatar moves in position with where the sun is...Do you understand what I'm saying?
The best way to understand is to get up in the morning and watch the sun come up. Then at 9am, notice where the sun is and look at what you are doing. Same thing at 10am. Then 11am and so forth.
The lady who has a hot dog stand knows that she has to be outside city hall at exactly 12 noon in order to catch the rush of people on their lunch break. If she shows up at 1pm, she's too late. She understands this without even thinking about it, so her SEKER avatar naturally gravitates toward city hall everyday at 12 noon.
The police officer tries not to pull people over from 8am-9am because this is during rush hour, and if he makes a stop, it will slow down traffic even more.
You know not to get on the highway at 5pm because traffic is cluttered. Your avatar naturally moves away from the highway at 5pm.
From 5pm to 6pm there is a sense of desperation in the air EVERYDAY. People are trying to get home to be with their loved ones and eat. Gas stations get crowed, people are buying food and cigarettes, traffic is jammed, the radio is playing the most popular songs, mothers are reuniting with their children at day care...The energy during this hour everyday is TRANSITION and DESPERATION.
From 6pm to 8pm, people are at home preparing food, looking for something to watch on TV. They "get their fix" whether its weed, cigarettes, liquor, or in your case, sunflower seeds and chocolate milk. Somehow, when you "get your fix" during these hours, the seeds taste better during this time of day. That cigarette is the best cigarette that person will have all day. An apple tastes better after you have done a bunch of work.
Time effects peoples moods, but time is simply based on where the sun is. So throughout the day, pay attention to people's moods based on what time it is. How do you think I know when to go hustle? Bread goes out from 9am to 4pm everyday and walks around in the heat trying to sell movies to people who are irritated by the heat and in a rush to get to their next destination. He might make $125 from 9am to 4pm. But I can go out at 5pm and by 8pm I will have $150 only because I am dealing with people's nighttime personality instead of their daytime personality.
So at the end of the cartoon, the little boy informs his friend that there is a Superhero (HERU) who builds off the opposite of what we are talking about. He builds off Antarctica energy, which is cold.
Here is the episode:
When you watch the sun come up and take hold of that energy, you are releasing the HERU, which is the HERO in you. In order to activate your HERU, you have to PERCEIVE it first. Picture yourself as a superhero moving with the sun throughout your day. This is HERU. At night time, you die. But in the morning, you resurrect as HERU, the hero, here to exert your will on earth.
I don't know if it was the writers who purposely changed it to cold energy or not, but the concepts in this cartoon are exactly what Po was trying to tell me..other than the fact that they switched the energy. But its still the same point. If you get up early and LOAD your HERU, you will have a better day.
Now you know that I go to bed when the sun comes up. But once you understand my perception, you can help guide me better throughout the day and not send me into SMITH deathtraps. Like that CEDA shit you tried to send me to was a SMITH trap. You just couldn't see it. If we are going to stay together, it's going to require you to be able to say things like "Be sure you load your Heru." Or "Your Seker is off.." Do you understand what I'm saying? When you see SMITH, you're going to have to say "Baby, that's SMITH" if I can't see it. Your perception has to be BETTER than mine...but if you don't even understand my perception, then we are FUCKED.
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