Low Key Macias - "Fade Away" - HOODX 5.0: XVerse

Low Key Macias was born and raised in San Antonio Texas. His father passed away due to alcoholism when Low was 5 years old. His mother was forced to leave him with little supervision. It wasn’t long before he hit the streets and inevitably ended up in juvenile, group homes and mental institutions. This is where he spent the majority of his adolescence and began rapping in public, never failing to rally a crowd at open mics and cyphers. Upon his release at age 17 Low soon fathered a child of his own. He cleaned up his act and devoted himself to his new family until the recent death of his cousin and murder of his brother. Motivated like never before he began to take rapping more serious. You can find him now consistently releasing, performing and dropping hard hitting real life lyrics. Definitely an underestimated artist who is sure to peak your interest. 

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