Noel Roze, first born to a teenage mother who grew up in an abusive crack house in the West Side of Buffalo. My parents split when I was three. Im just another kid from a broken home. I've tasted abuse, homelessness, instability, disfunction, and love. I grew up fast, exposed to the dark side of humans. Life has taught me that family don't always mean you're family. Also, that pain hurts more than love feels good sometimes. But above all I found God and love, in my struggle. The good feels good because we know what the bad feels like. It's balance, yin and yang, fire and ice, hot and cold. I know you know what I'm talking about. My music is a journey of all of my life experiences. It is my therapy, my happy place, my expression of all things good and bad in life. Enjoy this little piece of me!
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