New, Music, Mixtape, QCrepr, Real, ItsSumthndifferentthanwhatsoutnow, Music, Hiphop, Rap, raphenom




Sumthn different than what's out now

This mixtape has a variety of producers like Alf Bombs, Reanazance Beats, Blitz Beats, Tony Heat and more to give it a laid back vibe so I could try and get back to what I grew up on

Get your next project distributed at @Raphenom.


1. Intro prod by Crimestaz Music
2. Dudes Not Gangsta prod by Blitz Beats
3. Crimestaz Wit Me prod by Drops One
4. I Gotcha prod by Blitz Beats
5. Dis Ain't Livin feat Mook prod by Beat Mogul
6. Sayn Nuthn prod by Alf Bombs
7. Wut U Think prod by Blitz Beats
8. All I Need prod by Bryant Smith
9. Clothes Off feat Mook prod by Tony Heat
10. Work Dat prod By Blitz Beats
11. My Way prod by Crimestaz Music
12. My Haterz

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