OpenSoul - "Differences" - HOODX 5.0: XVerse

Opensoul is a singer, songwriter, and actor. The multi-talented and multi-faceted performer has featured in Netflix's reboot of Top Boy. Playing the role of Donovan, the lead character's cousin. Opensoul has also released his first official single, Give It To You, with longtime collaborator and friend, Andon.

Opensoul lives on the north coast of Jamaica in the destination town of Negril that is Uber popular with visitors to the island. Opensoul has a passion for entertainment and is a prolific writer of songs. It's a form of personal expression that resonates with the artist and one the proves cathartic at times.


Website: https://thisopensoul.com/

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/thisopensoul/differences
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thisopensoul
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisopensoul

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