Pastor is strictly for traps and trunks Tennneessse Recording Artist ,Young jr Born Alonzo Morse, 03/22/92  is the year he was born (27) he is Memphis based rapper who released his first studio song "we in this b****" in 2017 and opened up for Gillie da kid in the city of Minneapolis which is his Second home .

Before Fame he was close friends with decease rapper (slpy ruu) mutual friends with money bag yo who was killed and later inspired to pursue music underground. To gain large following in home town of Memphis and second home Minnesota.

He released total of 4 songs on major distribution (Legit Licks Nation )with no label deal. He is also the first artist to perform at pyrmd  strip club located in Minneapolis,Minnesota  Which he opened up for Gillie da kid. Young jr is also the first artist and only male seleted artist to perform at 2018

Superbowl Anti-no bully Show Case, held by Jamecia Bennet. At South High School with the attendance of @universalmusicgroup @Mimi Faust @craigrobinson @Kmoj  @legit licks nation

Recently he has performed at A3c in Atlanta. He has also audition for a B.M.F Movie  casting role for @50 cent in atlanta and also has completed the total of 3 international interviews with @iheartradio to spice it up in 2018 young jr won a international arts talent search audition held by @kimmyers in Minnesota. He has also met @50cent @Gorrillazoe @Gillidakid @therealrichblack @highlyuniqueradio @djstylze @DjBricks @iamshawtyfresh @juggernaut
@DjJohnny O. Harris  @djenferno @camnewton @kimmyers @djtinytim @Christiandeshun @charliep 
He has also networked with @youngbuck @officialboosiebadazz



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I will stop untill I'm number #1

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