Samsung revamps app store as Galaxy Apps, boasting a bigger brand focus

Samsung and its smartphones may be giving Apple a bit of a run for its money, and it's clearly a leader in Android handsets, but it's still has a ways to go to for being known as a place to grab the latest and greatest app.

That's primarily the reason why the smartphone player is revamping and renaming its current app store, Samsung Apps, to be called Samsung Galaxy Apps and packing it full of apps exclusive to its devices.

The move, though, will likely not go over well with Google given Google develops software for Samsung devices and has its own app store, Google Play. w200s

According to Samsung, the Galaxy Apps Store features "hundreds of exclusive apps" built specifically for Galaxy devices.

As Apple has proven, smartphone apps are a key element in propelling smartphone sales. There were 1.2 millions apps in its App Store as of June. As of May, 2013 over 50 billion apps had been downloaded.

One news report describes Samsung's Galaxy Apps store as having a "cleaner look to its predecessor," and organizes apps by date and popularity and offers a "specials" section.

The news comes on the heels of Samsung delaying its Tizen device, the Samsung Z smartphone, which was scheduled to launch in Russia.

Reports suggest the smartphone delay was made so Samsung can present a wider range of services and products with the launch. But whether the decision involved the new Samsung Galaxy app store was not specified.

The top leading apps at the Galaxy App store include The Weather Channel for Android, ChatOn, Norton Mobile Security, YouTube Downloader and Freaking Math.

As Tech Times reported this week Samsung is getting bolder in its smartphone advertising, targeting Apple specifically with a humourous ad recently posted on Samsung's YouTube USA channel. The ad takes shots at the iPhone's smaller display and screen resolution and even mocks the iPhone's camera, but makes a big point of the iPhone battery, which users remain frustrated with.Doogee DG800

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