‘Shawno’ by Houston hip hop artist Shawno is Creating a Frenzy Affair on SoundCloud - HOODX 5.0: XVerse

‘Shawno’ by Houston hip hop artist Shawno is Creating a Frenzy Affair on SoundCloud

Shawno is young and enthusiastic and is well versed with the changing trends of the genre. He is one star who has taken dirty south music to the next level.  The lyrics o his tracks are evocative and deals with different critical issues faced by folks.  This local artist is soon going to become global with the exquisite range of tracks especially his self titled playlist “Shawno” that consist of six trippy rap tracks, Shawno’s persona is a combination of Eminem’s tenacity and Kendrick Lamar’s dexterity that makes him suitable to perform any style in the genre.

He is the one whose tracks are the best example to define “mental rap” that is not only meant for entertaining but literally connect with the listeners. The singles of “Shawno”that proves his mastery over the genre are “Delete Me”, the debut single with street style elements, “I Need Money”, the perfect club track and more.

The new Houston rapper Shawno is acknowledged for his Deep South singles best witnessed in “100 Bands” from his extended play. Other singles like “Drippin’ and “Bad Girl” will yet again give reasons to stay hooked to his SoundCloud gallery.

Facebook Page Link of Shawno: https://www.facebook.com/ShawnoMusik/

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