What do you call music that seamlessly blends the power of rock with the upbeat essence of hip-hop? Leaving the audience fully stunned with his complex meshing, artist Sic Vicious has arrived on the scene to dictate his command on all. The rapper draws influence from versatile sounds to create his original line that aptly reflects his powerful musicality. In a busy musical landscape, the artist’s stylish and edgy vocals work their magic to hook the attention and quickly project the rapper’s standout features convincingly. The rapper has belted out high-octane elements to sweep away the listener's attention by using unique sounds, catchy beats, and impactfully driven with the power of rock music, the songs swing between laid back and swift delivery. Adding to the charm are the great rhyming punches that connect straight to the heart. Sic Vicious, who was once a member of a hardcore metal band, soon lost touch with his bandmates to start curating his own music. Built under his own label Under The Knife records starting in 2019.

IG: Instagram.com/schizo_flows
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hQZXGuKglvjfhYcKgDZk9?si=oPpLersrS...
Website: https://songwhip.com/sic-vicious
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sicinthehead?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCiD4l505FHB_GqNLZGPPhFQ
Where to buy: All streaming platforms

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