Trial and error sampling of potential product can really eat into the finances of a young business and you can’t imagine the number of times The LED skylt & dekor Shop had to pack up defective product and send it back to the manufacturer. We realized this has a twofold benefit though in the sense that the manufacturer raises their standards and The LED Shop keeps its good reputation.
Since those early days The LED Shop has increased its range to include a growing automotive, domestic and outdoor range. Early prototype models have been improved upon by consistent testing and customer feedback – for example the new 8 LED bulb torch due early February will retail at $25-00 from the website and is twice as bright as the previous 6 LED bulb model, it has sturdier features and is available only from The LED skylt & dekor Shop. In domestic homes our 240 volt AC LED bulbs will adequately light hallways, bathrooms etc whilst the beautiful colour changing LED bulbs will be handy anywhere in the home.
We also , LED tail lights/LED brake lights, inside, overhead, glove box and trunk LED lights, LED park lights, landscape LED low voltage bulbs, outdoor LED skylt & dekor lights [], LED flashlights and LED torches.
All our products carry a standard 12 month replacement RTB warranty.
The business isn’t limited to Australia and welcomes enquiries from individuals and resellers worldwide, Australian to worldwide destination postage rates are very reasonable, all large packages are automatically insured.
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