Rockford, Illinois — No niche artist Tcm Justice confesses his love in a playful yet creative new record titled “I Like Yhu” – Dropping On May. 5th, 2023.
“I Like Yhu” is a song born out of a developing love for a close friend… What was originally just a chorus for a YouTube video 3 years ago is now a fuller more meaningful confession of love. Having a fear of rejection, Tcm Justice turned to his notepad to convey what he’s been too afraid to say out loud. In the process the rapper gives a voice to those too afraid to simply tell a person “I Like Yhu”.
The single highlights Tcm’s struggle with vulnerability. As the song progresses the relationship deepens and he gets comfortable enough to say what he couldn’t in the beginning believing whole heartedly that feelings are mutual.
Recorded in his hometown of Rockford Illinois, produced by Joel Zavala, & Video shot & edited by LW_Photography. The song is playful yet creative creating an upbeat feel good vibe that embodies Tcm’s animated personality to a tee. “I Like Yhu” will be available to stream and purchase as of Friday May. 5th, 2023
Born in Beloit, Wisconsin simply because his mother wanted to have all her children at the same hospital. Days later his family moved to Rockford Illinois. Growing up Tcm Justice was a good kid with good grades, kind of nerdy & shy but with a great personality that he kept hidden. 2 reasons being that he didn’t have the deepest voice so guys often made fun of it and also as an aquarius he was not the best with confronting his emotions. Making music allows the artist to express himself unapologetically as well as empower, heal, inspire, make people happy, and get em moving. Tcm Justice is mainly a Rap/Hip Hop artist but dares to be different & refuses to be boxed in. His niche is not having a niche so he creates what he feels when he feels it! The artist has been writing since the age of 12 but at that time it was more on the lines of cartoon rap battles & freestyles. 10 years later at 22 he decided to take his music seriously and released his first music video to his song “I’m Chasin Milllions” which was later placed number 1 on his first album titled “Tcm Justice.” (Now 25) Since then he has shot a ton of music videos.. in fact the audio & visual for his newest single “I Like Yhu” drops on May. 5th! You can follow his music/social medias @TcmJustice across all platforms to see what he does next..
Tcm Justice
Email: tryhard7284@yahoo.com
Phone: 6306974795
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jmills7284?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ju_jutheprodigy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tcmjustice8569
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14vlma9C5Jy1RuVf8gpPzK?si=NcvP7_m-R...