The Band of the Hawk x Yeaux Majesty - "A Different Cloth"

The Band of the Hawk continues their lyrical onslaught with another full length project.   A DIFFERENT CLOTH, featuring co-founder and lead lyricist Yeaux Majesty, showcases the B-sides and alt takes from his extensive catalog.

Previously known as “KING”, Yeaux Majesty is heavily featured on all The Band of the Hawk releases, but this is his first solo release under the new name.  Tracks from side projects THE MASCHINE WARS and BOHUP make up the bulk of this project, giving fans a teaser before his next release of all new recordings, PRINCELY ROBES.  His lyrics on tracks like “Chariots of Fire” and “Kundalini” make you listen twice, either in your mind or when you rewind. Soundscapes from Noah Archangel mix perfectly with every line, and the lyrical features take you back to the feeling of early BOHUP records.  The outro, “Mornin Cigs”, is a previously unreleased joint and a foreshadowing of what’s to come when he drops PRINCELY ROBES later this month. After listening, you may want to go back and listen to the original The Band of the Hawk releases like KANGOL, BOHUP Vol.2 and THE LAST TEMPTATION.  One undistracted listen to either and you will see why The Band of the Hawk and Yeaux Majesty are cut from a different cloth. #BOHUP





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