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Chapter 10
Look man, you wanna see me locked up, shot up
Moms crotched up over the casket, screamin BASTARD
Cryin, know my friends is lyin
Y'all know who killed im filled im with the lugars from they Rugers
or they Desert, dyin ain't the shit but it's present
Kinda quiet, watch my niggaz bring the riot
Giving cats the opposite of diets
You gain thirty pounds when you die no lie, lazy eye
I was high when they hit me, took a few cats with me
Shit, I need the company.
"Aw, nigga it's on!" Mason exclaimed while lighting a blunt. Po merged back onto the highway and crossed
over into the third lane. He seemed to be driving a lot faster than normal. Mason didn't even seem to
notice. He was too busy looking at the brown paper bag on the floor in between his feet. "I've gotta get
some baking soda and a jar. Damn, that nigga gave me enough work for a while. As a matter of fact, I can
bag up a few eight balls and call up Sahu. It's going to be on and popping. Let me think. Let me
Mason continued talking to himself as Po inhaled his cigarette. He had to be going at least ninety miles
per hour. The engine sounded like it was roaring. That's when Mason looked at the dashboard and noticed
that Po was approaching the one-hundred miles per hour mark.
"Um, isn't kind of ass backwards to drive slow when we don't have work in the car, but then drive a
hundred miles per hour when we do have work in the car?"
Po smiled. "What does it matter? We them niggas! We got two keys of coke! We finna blow! I wish
somebody would try to stop us!"
Po's behavior didn't seem right. After everything he talked about today, why would he begin speeding and
cursing the way that he was. He seemed upset, but trying to prove a point.
"Hold, on man, you're about to get us locked the fuck up. Slow down. If the police pull us over right
now and find my two keys, then we're going to be fucked."
"Nigga, those are my two keys, what the fuck you thought? You just met the nigga today! You really think
that those are your two keys?"
Mason felt his stomach get hot. That's when he noticed that the car's speed was still increasing. Mason
looked at the dashboard again and noticed that it was touching one-hundred and seven.
"Nigga, he gave me those keys! Why the fuck else would I come all the way out here to watch another nigga
give you two keys? And slow the fuck down! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you tripping?"
"He also told you that I'm going to give you all the details. I'm in charge! That means what I say goes.
Cause I can already tell that you're about to fuck this whole flip up for both of us! This is how we're
going to do this. I've got a spot out in Joliet that we can post up at for a few days. We can get rid of
all that shit in about three days. That entire flip is going to me. Then we can go back and re-up.
After we re-up, we can hit the spot again for another three days. You can keep that whole flip. So you
figure in about seven days, you'll be sitting on about twenty thousand dollars."
Mason didn't like the idea of giving Po one-hundred percent of the profit. "Why can't I get the first
flip and you take the second one?"
"Because, I'm the boss, now shut the fuck up!" Po exclaimed.
Mason felt his anger rising. He couldn't stand being disrespected. This was not going to work. Mason
always had a problem with authority. It was at that moment that Mason had a realization. Po didn't know
where Mason lived. He didn't even know his phone number. Po had been running his mouth so much that he
didn't ask Mason any questions about who he was or where he lived.
I could just run off with these two kilos and he could never find me.
Mason snapped out of his trance when he saw the police car a few yards ahead. The car was sitting,
apparently clocking speeds. Mason looked over at the dashboard for the third time and cringed when he saw
that it read one-hundred and eleven. Po's Thunderbird roared pass the police officer.
Oh God, Mason thought. This is it.
The police car pulled out into the expressway and turned on the lights and sirens. Po increased the
speed. For a moment, it seemed like they were going to get away, but before he could even finish that
thought, he asked himself;
Why was he doing this?
"You ready to die, nigga?" Po asked, looking directly at Mason. Mason was too shocked to answer. He had
no idea why Po was doing this. At first, it seemed like it was another one of his tests, like when they
were fighting in the water. But then again, this didn't seem like a test at all. The police car was
following close behind. Po weaved in and out of traffic, climbing the highway, which was bout three
hundred feet in the air. Po was cutting in and out of traffic so precise, that Mason had to close his
eyes a few times, not wanting to witness what appeared to be his last doom. But they never hit any cars.
Mason had another realization. Everything was going to be okay. Po was wise. He was trying to prove a
point. That he was in charge. So he was doing another one of his "magic tricks" with the police to show
Mason that he knew what he was doing. Mason sat back in his seat and took a pull of his blunt.
"Whatever nigga. I already know what you're trying to do."
"Oh, yeah?" Po asked. "Watch this!"
What Po did next was completely unexpected. He turned his wheel hard to the left and crashed through the
lane border. Because they were about three hundred feet in the air, for a second, it seemed like the car
was floating and had took off flying. The police car came to a screeching halt and smoke emerged from
under the tires.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion. It didn't seem like they were falling. It felt more like the
earth was rising up to them. They weren't flying at all.
As the car seemed to fall in slow motion, it tilted and the passenger side faced the ground. Mason looked
at the ground below him as he plumeted toward it.
I'm about to die.
As the ground approached at incredible speed, Mason noticed that the phone in his hand was ringing. He
looked at the caller ID and noticed the name.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
It's the first of the month...
So get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!
So cash your check and come on!
Mason woke up in Po's Thunderbird. He felt a sense of comfort and irritation when he noticed that they
were only driving forty miles per hour. He looked down in between his feet and noticed that the brown
paper bag with the two kilos was still there. It was a dream.
Mason answered his phone.
"Hey, Mason it's Sarah. I was just calling to tell you that I'm going bowling in a few hours, so I'm just
making sure that you're still coming."
Bowling? My dad has cancer and she's going bowling?
"Yeah, I'm still coming, but why are you going bowling when my dad is at the hospital?"
"Well you know I'm in the league. And you know I don't know how to deal with any of this shit. I'm
getting overwhelmed. That's why I really want to make sure that you're coming."
"I'll be there," Mason replied. He hung up the phone and felt a sense of irritation come over him. I
need another blunt, he thought, while exhaling on his blunt.
Po exited off the ramp. A strange feeling came over Mason as they slowly climbed the ramp. It was a much
different feeling from the feeling that he had when he was dreaming.
Mason looked down at the brown paper bag and realized that he didn't like the idea of making a stop.
"Where are we going?"
"Gas station," Po replied.
The Thunderbird pulled into the same gas station from before. Mason looked around for the Red Taurus,
which was nowhere to be found.
"What are you looking for?" Po asked. "Those two white girls? You're just not going to give that up,
"Hell naw," Mason replied with a grin on his face. "I'm going to get them before the night is over."
"Tell you what. I'll let you in on secret. If you focus really good on them, they'll pop up. The key is
that you have to actually vision yourself in the vision as well. That's called 'Quantumplaytion.' Try it
and see."
Po pulled up to pump one and turned the car off. They both got out of the car and headed inside the
store. As they were walking, Mason noticed a quarter on the ground. When he reached down and picked it
up, he noticed the bird on the back of it. It never seemed so beautiful before. Why was it so beautiful
Mason walked into the store and looked around for some munchies. As Po walked into the bathroom, that's
when Mason noticed a green guacamole dip. He remembered that his father loved guacamole, so he decided to
buy a bag of Doritos and the guacamole dip. He approached the counter and noticed that the clerk was now
an older woman. After paying the seven dollars and eleven cents, he stepped outside and couldn't believe
what he saw.
It was the red taurus pulling into the gas station.
Mason was in shock. Did he even do the 'quantumplaytion' that Po told him to do? It felt like he had
'summoned' the two girls. As they pulled into the gas station , they approached Mason and lowered the
passenger side window. Nary began to speak.
"Nigga, quit following us."
Mason laughed. "I was just to say the same thing to you. What are you two troublemakers up to? How was
the concert?"
"Oh it was good, except what he was wearing. He was wearing some wild ass African pants that were tight
as hell. It was crazy."
"You know, it's not good to say 'That's crazy' all the time because you're actually making yourself
crazy," Mason stated. He looked around for Po, who must have still been in the bathroom.
"Too late, I'm already crazy," Nary said laughing. "By the way, do you know where I can get some..." she
touched her thumb to her nose and sniffed. Mason knew this as a sign for cocaine.
"Yeah, how much are you looking to..."
Mason had a brilliant idea. It came from his dream. Run off with the cocaine. Here was his chance. He
had already gotten into the backseat of the car with these girls. They obviously like him. The cocaine
would just make everything so much easier.
"Hold on, one sec," Mason said running toward the Thunderbird. He quickly opened the door and
grabbed the paper bag. He quietly shut the door and jogged over to the red Taurus. After opening the
backseat, he jumped in.
"Go!" he commanded.
"What?" Rosa asked.
"Go! Go! Go to another gas station! Get the fuck out of here right now! I'm leaving my boy! Drive!"
Rosa sped out of the gas station into traffic. Mason felt a rush of emotion going through his gut and
mind. He felt like this was the beginning of a movie.
So I ball so hard muhfuckas wanna fine me
But first niggas gotta find me
What's 50 grand to a muhfucka like me Can you please remind me?
Ball so hard, this shit crazy
Y'all don't know that don't shit phase me
The Nets could go 0-82 and I look at you like this shit gravy
Ball so hard, this shit weird We ain't even s'pose to be here,
Ball so hard, since we here
It's only right that we be fair Psycho,
I'm liable to go Michael Take your pick, Jackson, Tyson, Jordan, Game 6
Ball so hard, got a broke clock,
Rolleys that don't tick tock
Audemars that's losing time, hidden behind all these big rocks
Ball so hard, I'm shocked too, I'm supposed to be locked up too
You escaped what I escaped You'd be in Paris getting fucked up too
Ball so hard, let's get faded, Le Meurice for like 6 days
Gold bottles, scold models, spillin' Ace on my sick J's
(Ball so hard) Bitch behave, just might let you meet Ye,
Chi towns D. Rose, I'm movin' the Nets to BK
Ball so hard muhfuckas wanna fine me
That shit Kray
That shit Kray
Nigga, that shit Kray
Mason lit his blunt and took a hit. A part of him felt bad about what he was doing, but the weed was
making that feeling go away.
"Oh my God, you're crazy," Rosa said.
"You're leaving your boy?" Nary asked.
"That nigga ain't my boy. I just met that nigga today. He's been blowing the shit out of me all day.
Talking about crazy shit. About the sun, the moon, and God, and all type of devil worship. I think that
nigga's in the Illuminati for real. Because he just introduced me to a nigga that was blue, who just gave
me two kilos of coke on consignment."
The two girls looked at each other. "What?"
"Yeah, I got two keys of coke." He passed the blunt to Nary. Her eyes lit up as Mason went into the bag
and pulled out the kilo.
"Holy shit, man! That's crazy!"
"I know, I'm saying. Why don't the three of us get a room or something and have a little celebration
The two girls began laughing and screaming in happiness. They instantly began planning how fun this event
would be. They laughed about how high they were going to get. They joked about skinny dipping in the
pool. Mason laughed and Nary passed him the blunt. That's when it happened.
"Shit," Rosa said.
"What?" asked Mason.
"The car. We're out of gas!"
The car rolled to a stop and turned off. Nary began laughing hysterically. "This is some funny ass
Mason's laughter quickly became awareness. They were in the middle of an intersection. It was only a
matter of time before the police pulled up.
"Do you have a gas can?" he asked.
"No," Rosa replied.
"Oh shit, we're fucked nigga!" Nary exclaimed and began laughing. She seemed to be under the influence
of something other than weed. It was making it harder for Mason to think.
He suddenly wished that he had not gotten in this car to begin with.
"I didn't get to get the gas!" Rosa exclaimed.
Mason thought about leaving with the two kilos and walking back to the gas station. He could just tell Po
that he took a quick ride. He didn't like the idea of walking down the street with two kilos of cocaine,
especially in a neighborhood like this. But he was going to have to take his chances. He was a sitting
duck in this car.
As he stepped out of the car, a police car pulled up behind them.
"Fuuuuuck..." Mason said as he paused. He didn't want to look suspicious so he stepped out of the car and
left the paper bag on the back seat. "Pop the trunk."
The trunk popped open and Mason walked to the back of the car. The police officer got out of the car and
walked over to Mason. Mason was surprised that this officer was a black female. She seemed like she could
be sexy once she took off her uniform. He couldn't really tell what her body looked like, but she seemed
to be in shape. She had peanut butter colored skin and stood about four inches shorter than Mason.
"You got Triple A?" she yelled as she approached.
Mason turned to Rosa. When he looked at her, she seemed to be terrified. She didn't know what to do.
"Do you have Triple A?" Mason asked her, trying to keep a straight face.
Rosa's face cracked. "Look officer, I don't know him. We just came from the Lil Wayne concert and we
pulled into a gas station and he jumped in our car with drugs and told us to drive off."
Mason felt his stomach get hot. He suddenly realized that he was a black man in the backseat of a car
with two white women. He didn't know what to say. He felt his throat lock up.
The officer stepped back and pulled out her gun. "Don't move! Place your hands behind your back and get
on your knees. Now!"
Mason exhaled and obeyed. After the officer placed the handcuffs on Mason, she placed him in the backseat
of her car. She walked over to the red Taurus and opened the back door. She pulled out the brown paper
bag and looked inside. She shook her head and began talking to Rosa and Nary. Mason couldn't hear
anything that they were saying, but from the looks of it, it seemed like they were explaining everything.
That's when Mason thought back to what Po had done when they were in the backseat together. He tried to
reach for his cell phone but couldn't get into his pocket. He stretched his fingers as far as he could,
trying to reach in his pocket but to no avail.
Fuck, he thought. Why the fuck did I get out the car? I should have just stayed in the car. Somehow, he
could hear Po's voice saying, "See, niggas be running from the knowledge everytime."
The officer walked back over to the car, holding the paper bag. She got in the car and placed the bag on
the passenger side. The red taurus drove off.
"YOu're just going to let them leave?" Mason asked.
The officer ignored Mason. She put the car and drive and drove off.
"Are you going to at least read me my rights? Am I under arrest? These cuffs are on tight as hell."
The officer turned the music up.
The time to talk is up
So bring the heat, that time is over
While you running your mouth I'm creeping up over your shoulder
A gun, a knife, a bat, a brick, anything I can get my hands on
Call my bluff, start acting up, and I'll leave you underground
Mason thought about his life up to this point. Why did it seem like he always made the wrong move?
Everytime success got handed to him, he got greedy and messed it up. Well now he was going to be put away
for a long time. He thought about his dad waiting for him at the hospital. He began crying to himself.
Why was he so stupid? He thought back to Po.
Po was right. All of his enemies were one person. Himself. He wanted to blame the police. He wanted to
blame the girls. He wanted to blame Po for talking too much in the car. He wanted to blame Horace for
introducing him to Po. But he couldn't. Deep down he knew that he had no one to blame but himself.
He looked out the window and saw a familiar house. It was the glass house that the blue man lived in.
Mason sat up confused. The officer approached the house and Mason started to analyze the situation. Was
she going to make Mason snitch?
She pulled up to the driveway entrance and stopped. She turned the car off.
"Look, I know you're from out of town. A lot of guys come up here from the city and come to this house.
We know what he's doing, but we can't get anybody to prove what he's doing. All you have to do is confirm
my suspicion that this dope came from this house, and you're a free man."
Mason sat back in his seat and grinned. This is too easy. "So, all I have to do is admit that I got the
dope from here and you'll let me go?"
"Look, we've got twenty-four hour surveillance on this place already, so they probably got you on tape
going in and coming out already."
Mason envisioned himself being watched on a grainy televison screen by a room full of police officers
sipping coffee and eating donuts. This made him feel like a crime lord. He liked the idea of walking off
right now, even though his car was miles away. He could figure out a way home. He just wanted to get out
of this police car.
"Fuck it. Yeah, that's where I got it from. It was crazy because the guy was blue. I mean his skin. It
was blue. He had three dalmatian dogs. There was a woman there who brought it out from the back. The
guy that brought me here is named Po. We came from Chicago in a Thunderbird."
"Did you get any of their names?"
"I think the lady's name was Auset. I didn't get the guy's name."
The police officer spun back around in her seat and began driving to the back of the house. Mason was
surprised at what he saw. He saw Po standing next to the blue man. Rosa and Nary were standing next to
the blue man. Horace was standing next to Po. They were all dressed in black and standing around a big
hole in the ground that appeared to be a grave. As the police car approached, Mason felt his stomach get
red hot and ache like it had never done before. He was sure that at any given moment, he was going to
pass out. It seemed like a dream, but he was sure that he was wide awake. There was so much confusion
running through his mind. They all had a look like they knew what was about to happen next. This
terrified Mason.
"Hey, what are you doing? Why are we here?"
"This is the end of the road, Mason. My job is done."
"What do you mean? I thought you said that I was free!"
"You are. This is where I'm dropping you off."
THe car pulled up to grave and stopped. Horace approached the back door and tried to open it. It was
locked. Mason began shaking in terror. "Do they know what I just told you?"
The officer got out of the car and slowly began walking over to the back. Mason's eyes followed her, but
he also noticed that everyone was silently staring at him.
What the hell is going on?
The officer opened the door and grabbed Mason by the arm. He stood up outside of the car and instantly
felt a fist hit him across the face. As Mason watched his blood fly into the air, he noticed that he was
unable to keep his balance after being struck in the mouth while wearing handcuffs.
"Shit!" he yelled and hit the ground on his back. He looked up and saw nothing but sunlight looking back
at him. A second later, he saw Horace' silohette standing over him.
"Nigga, you a bitch!" Horace yelled out.
"Horace!" Po yelled out. "Don't do that."
"Man fuck this nigga," Horace yelled. "This nigga just snitched on you and Ausar! It didn't even take
thirty seconds! He didn't even think about it! You two faced ass nigga!"
Mason kicked his legs around in the dirt and tried to find a balance. Before the blue man's words about
balance could fully echo through Mason's conscious, he felt a broken tooth in his mouth.
This nigga chipped my front tooth!
"Man, what the fuck?" Mason yelled out, still trying to get up off the ground. "Y'all set me up? What
the fuck is this shit?"
The blue man put his hand up. "Mason. I have not been fully honest with you. I am Ausar. I am an
illusion. I'm not actually standing here in front of you."
Mason felt a chill go down his spine. This had to be a dream. Why wasn't he waking up?
"What?" Mason asked.
"I am a hologram. I am not human. I am the pure consciousness of Orion. I have been formed into a
hologram only so I can relate my teachings to you in this form. But to the trees, I appear as a tree. To
dogs, I appear as a dog. To African humans, I appear African. To Italians, I appear Italian. To Asians,
I appear Asian. To Spanish people, I appear Spanish. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Mason wanted to say yes, but that's when he realized that he didn't understand what he was witnessing. He
understood that this man appeared differently to each species, but this concept was so bizzare that Mason
couldn't even speak.
"He's gone," the police woman stated.
"I...I got it. But..what the fuck man?"
Ausar continued. "Mason, you failed the test. A very big test. You see this police woman? This is my
daughter. Her name is Sekher. She's been following you ever since you arrived."
Mason was silent. His mouth was wide open.
"These two girls," Ausar began while pointing to Rosa and Nary, "are my other daughters from my second
marriage. And Po is like a son to me. Horace spent nine months with us after he got out of prison. We
filled his spirit with the proper jewels that unlocked his Heru Christ inside of him. He is almost fully
resurrected. His last assignment was to find someone like himself, who was dead in mind and dead in
spirit and bring him to us. We would test his heart to see if it was worth trying to resurrect him. If
he passed the test and his heart was as light as a feather, then we would let you pass on to the next
phase of the resurrection process. This is called, the 'Heru Special'. The beginning of knowledge. But,
you failed the test. You ratted us all out."
Mason stared at the ground and watched his blood drip out of his mouth onto the ground below him. He began
to understand what happened. It was all a test. They put the red taurus in front of him to see if he
would approach the girls...and he did. But how did they know that he was going to leave Po?
"Good question," Ausar replied.
That's when Mason realized that he didn't even ask the question. But before he fully came to that
realization, he realized that Ausar wasn't even speaking out loud. The thoughts were Mason's head. In
fact, it sounded like his own voice. Mason looked up at Ausar and saw that he no longer had African
features. He looked like Mason, only two feet taller. It was shocking. Mason couldn't even breathe.
"Because I know you. I know everything about you. I know what you had the potential to become if you had
simply followed the knowledge and the writing on the wall. I AM you. I am your subconscious. Standing
outside of yourself."
Mason tried to wipe the blood from his mouth, but his arms were still cuffed behind his back. He finally
balanced on his feet. That's when he saw Horace pull out a pistol. The light from the sun reflected in
Mason's eyes. He knew that he was about to die.
"Y'all are going to kill me? Are you serious?" Mason looked at Sekher. "You're going to let them kill
me? What the fuck kind of shit is this?"
Mason thought about running. "Don't run, Mason. He'll shoot you in the back."
Although Ausar's voice sounded like Mason inside of his head, Mason could still tell that it was Ausar's
thoughts. Mason felt his knees begin to tremble as a warm liquid began running down his left pants leg.
Ausar began speaking out loud. "Listen, Mason. You're already dead. You have somewhere to be and you
are late. Try to understand. It is better that you die now with the realizations that you have and know
that this is real. Because when you cross over, you will go straight to Sirius. We need you there for
the war."
Mason felt like things were moving at a thousand miles per hour. What war? What does cross over mean?
Did this mean that had to die? Why was Horace holding that gun? He looked up at Ausar who as looking back
at Mason. It felt surreal. He was looking into his own eyes, but everything was blue.
"If you really are me, then there is no way in hell that you would let them kill me," Mason stated. He
tried to fight back the tears in his eyes. Why was this happening to him? He just wanted to get some
dope and sell it. He didn't know that his soul and conscious were in a war.
"You're already dead, Mason," Horace stated. "YOu just don't know it. You will never in your life be
able to forget this moment. We implanted it in your subconscious. It's there. It's never coming out.
That's not the problem. The problem is that your body controls your mind. So you will do everything in
your power to try to forget this. You'll turn into an alcoholic. Maybe even a dope fiend. Because you
refuse to accept the knowledge. It has to make sense to you in your own little world. YOu refuse to see
outside the box. It's like reading a book that changes your life, then trying to forget it ever happened.
You're already dead. You're a walking coffin." Horace lifted the gun up to Mason's face. "Turn around."
Mason felt tear run down his cheek. He slowly turned around and saw his grave right in front of his feet.
The hole was very deep. It shook Mason's soul to the core. He felt like a scared little boy. He just
wanted to go home. He knew that there was nothing he could do.
They're not going to kill me, he thought. They can't. This isn't right.
He looked at Po. "You're just going to let the kill me?" Mason screamed. The tears were pouring out of
his face. "What about all that righteous shit that you were talking about in the car?"
"Nigga, you a theif and a snitch," Po replied. "Ain't shit else to say about that."
"I know, I know I snitched! But nobody knows! We can all just act like this didn't happen. I swear I
won't tell anyone!"
"You're in too deep, Mason," a voice stated from behind him. It was Horace. He felt the cold steel from
the gun on the back of his head. "What is the one thing that you learned today?"
Mason was caught off guard by the question. He felt his ears ringing. There were tears and snot pouring
out of his face. He tightly closed his eyes and thought to himself.
What did I learn?
"That all my enemies are really one person. Myself."
"Amen," everyone said at the same time.
That's when it happened. It sounded like a loud firecracker. Mason heard the gun go off and something
hard struck him behind his ear.
The shock drowned out the pain.
Mason felt his body go limp as he felt himself fall foward into the grave. His ears were ringing as his
body began to free fall six feet down into the grave. It felt like it was happening in slow motion.
Mason couldn't believe that he was still conscious with a bullet in his head. He didn't intend on being
conscious while falling into the grave. Before he even realized that he was falling, he found himself
face down in the mud. His ears were ringing, but he could still hear laughter six feet above him. THe
pain behind his ear was starting to get worse. He felt it swelling up. Why wasn't he dead?
Mason lifted his head out of the mud and rolled over on his back. He looked for any sign of blood. There
was none. He felt a headache coming on. Was he dead?
He looked up and saw Horace, Rosa, Nary, Po, Sekher, and Ausar all looking down into the grave. "Nigga,
you stupid," Nary said.
"Am I dead?" Mason asked.
Nary began laughing hysterically. "This nigga asked if he was dead!"
Rosa chuckled and looked at Nary. "Tell him!"
Nary shook her head, "I'm not telling him. You tell him." She began walking away from the grave.
Everyone else seemed to follow. Mason could hear laughter coming from the six of them as they walked off.
Mason tried to balance himself and get to his feet.
What the fuck is going on? Why are they fucking with me like this?
"We're going to give you one more chance, Mason," a female voice stated.
Mason looked up and saw Auset standing over the grave. "What?"
Auset smiled and took one step forward. Mason couldn't believe it. She was floating on air. She was
floating above the grave, looking down on Mason. Mason was sure that he had dreamed this moment before.
She almost looked like the virgin Mary, but what he was witnessing was a much more powerful image. The
sun seemed to be glowing from within her. Mason felt a sense of warmness come over his heart. He felt
his mother's presence. He knew that everything was going to be okay.
"Did he shoot me?"
"No. He just smacked you upside your head with the gun really hard to wake you up. Sometimes that's all
we need, is a good smack on the head."
Before Auset could even finish her sentence, Mason's cell phone began to ring. He reached down into his
pocket and pulled it out. He looked down at the caller ID, which read,
Mason pressed the green button. "Hello?"
"Mason, it's Eddie. What's up bro?"
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