22 year old, Lee County Based, Florida Rapper, who goes by the name E.T $OSA has been diligently and consistently releasing new music. The female emcee took interest in creating rap music when she was just 9 years old, but were told her lyrics were not age appropriate. She then bought a tape recorder and began recording memos of her lyrics on cassettes. as she entered junior high at 12 she began to be more open about her interest in music with a late friend by the name of Connor Gray. She notes he was a big huge stepping stone in gaining confidence in her music because he would always support her as rapper "supreme 7" which was her first ever chosen rap name at the time. After she finished junior high, she rekindled with some old middle school friends her freshman year, which were 2 boys going by the name of JITT T-MINOR and Lil T Tha Finesser. Jitt T Minor was already pursing his music career that year of 2015, and Lil T tha Finesser was already becoming a pro at finessing for loot at such a young age as well. Anyway, the two boys were and still are the best of friends more so have become like brothers, and in 2016 discovered E.t was interested in rapping and decided to include her as a third body in Jitt T-Minor's "MMT" (money making team)

It wasn't until joining MMT when E.T Sosa actually made the effort to publicly share her music, which she was making by recording over beats using a voice recorder app on android phones. She would then take those recordings and post them on her soundcloud. Looking back at that old soundcloud account from 2015, when showing E.T Sosa the old recordings, she says "I WAS SO TERRIBLE, and NO ONE told me lol, not even the guys i was rapping with wow!" she laughed. Anyway, MMT didn't last long. There was a falling out between Jitt T Minor, and E.T Sosa. But today in year 2022 E.T admits that she's made plenty attempts to work with Jitt T minor again and That he's always talent and skill in projecting sounds and flows that she hasn't heard from anyone else around the city of fort myers. she notes that his music plays a part in helping her be more versatile.

So after suppressing her interest in music throughout her childhood and teen years, E.T has finally decided to use year 2022 as her year to fully devote herself to her craft. She admits that back then as a 'JITT" she was so self conscious of her looks and sounds to a point where she would constantly delete her soundcloud recordings. Nowadays, E.T Sosa appears more confident than ever, in her looks and have been extremely focused on her music, even making it a goal to release new music at least once a week. Taking the intiative to reach as many people as she can through her music, E.T Sosa has taken on a style that is quite unique. As a female Emcee, She is able to make music with the opposite sex and not be oversexualized, or bashful towards other female emcees, Although a lot of her singles contain explciit lyrics about sex with other women or a dislike for "THOTS" E.t makes it a point for everyone to know that she doesn't identify as a man, and that she is a full woman, who "just so happens to like what the guys like" and that she "Respects all women who respect her n and out of bed."

E.t generally tries to make music that both genders can rock out to. And looking at the genres of her new releases, she has been very versatile crossing from genres like hp hop and trap, to alternative rap and hyperpop
even though her fanbase may be in the beginning stages of developing, she still gains quite a bit of engagement on soundcloud and instagram, and has even managed to get her music on all listening platforms. From a stranger's perspective, if i didn't know E.T at all, and i saw her in a corner store, i would think she was a regular kid who got a throat tattoo against her parents will. But it wouldn't be long before i wouldv'e seen her pulling out her ID to buy a few backwoods and black n milds while the clerk asks her how old she is. i then would be surprised at the fact that she answers "22, 1999". we would then go our separate ways, and i would wonder how she looks so young. in my opinon her young looks work for gaining the attention of the younger audience, given that her audience range from ages 14-35

E.t sosa says she cant wait to show the ones who truly support her all the neat things and ideas she's working on behind the scenes of her old and new releases. she makes it clear that he couldn't have found it in herself to do the thing she truly loved without the motivation from a few friends such as instagram users @coldfiretheartist @yahrdme @datboigos @latinaanglebae @harleyquinn6568, late childhood friend connor gray, and longtime homie kevin mcdermott

She also wants to give a shout out to everyone who follows her soundcloud and promises to respond to as much postivity as possible, and gives a huge thanks to anyone who featured her on any music.



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