Yoga teacher training is great they said !

I recently completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training (YTT) program, and while I had high hopes going into it, the experience left me with mixed feelings.

The program did have some strengths. The community of fellow trainees was amazing, and I formed deep connections with people who shared my passion for yoga. The lead instructor had a wealth of experience, and when it came to asana practice, their knowledge was thorough and hands-on. I also appreciated the focus on alignment, which has definitely improved my personal practice.

However, there were several areas where the program didn’t meet my expectations. First, the curriculum felt somewhat disorganized. It often seemed like the sessions were thrown together without a clear progression. Topics that I expected to be covered in depth, such as anatomy or the philosophical aspects of yoga, were skimmed over or crammed into a single weekend. This left me feeling underprepared to confidently teach others, especially when it comes to safely guiding students through poses.

Another issue was the limited practical teaching opportunities. I expected more time practicing how to instruct a class, but the teaching sessions felt rushed and superficial. We were often left to figure out adjustments and modifications on our own, without enough personalized feedback. I came away feeling like I had the theory but not the practical skills to be a confident instructor.

One aspect that particularly disappointed me was the lack of guidance on the business side of yoga. Many of us in the program expressed interest in learning how to build a yoga career, but this topic was barely touched. In today's world, understanding how to navigate the business side of teaching is crucial, and it felt like a missed opportunity.

While I value the experience for the personal growth and connections I made, I can’t say the program fully prepared me to be a well-rounded yoga teacher. If you’re looking for a deep dive into all aspects of yoga teaching, especially the technical and business side, this may not be the right program for you.

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