90 billion years ago~Paralleled Universe

Poematic move the chess piece forward the hawk flew off the mountain edge.Stixs yo move~ GOD is unity. Deity is universally co-ordinated. The universe of universes is one vast integrated mechanism which is absolutely controlled by one infinite mind. The physical, intellectual, and spiritual domains of universal creation are divinely correlated.

The perfect and imperfect are truly interrelated, and therefore may the finite evolutionary creature ascend to Paradise in obedience to the Universal Father’s mandate: “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect. Hmm nice move said Poematic~ The diverse levels of creation are all unified in the plans and administration of the Architects of the Master Universe.

To the circumscribed minds of time-space mortals the universe may present many problems and situations which apparently portray disharmony and indicate absence of effective co-ordination; but those of us who are able to observe wider stretches of universal phenomena, and who are more experienced in this art of detecting the basic unity which underlies creative diversity and of discovering the divine oneness which overspreads all this functioning of plurality, better perceive the divine and single purpose exhibited in all these manifold manifestations of universal creative energy.They battled in to the night each time hitting a stalemate..this would go on 4 sometime months str8 which produced a energy vortex from the crystal chess board.90 billion years ago~

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Comment by K-Blao on December 5, 2012 at 5:15am
Sick with it!

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