Artist Spotlight: VersUs (Ruler Wednesday)

Derived from a series of Freestyles by Ralphie The Ruler posted to Instagram every Wednesday. His Midwest following as garnered a diversity of unique artists' who have submitted for collaboration due to aforementioned following on Instagram and has therefore attracted attention both locally and internationally. Ralphie The Ruler credits his latest efforts to hard work and attention to detail within producing such an eclectic array of artists talents while adhering to the democratic needs of the Midwest and its loyal followers. "VersUS" has accomplished what most producers-led projects have aimed, which is to highlight the creative talent that exists within the Midwestern part of the country. "VersUS" includes tracks produced by various industry producers as well as upcoming producers who have built their core fanbase by promoting  instrumentals on YouTube and other social media platforms. "VersUS" guarantees to be a compilation of creative works which will bridge the gap between major and independent artists.


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