C-Diffy – R.I.P Everyone

Texas artist C-Diffy turns conventional thinking 
on its head with new album ‘The Check-In’ 


DALLAS, TX – A new artist out of Dallas, Texas is bringing music that is undeniable in the way it takes a new perspective on the world. And true to that sentimentality, the artist known as C-Diffy (i.e.: “see differently”) is dropping a new album on June 12 that will challenge the way people think about and see the world around them. 


The album is called “The Check-In” and features a bevy of lyrical raps over the top of trap beats with a splash of melodic flare, as well as showcases his mastery of all the instrumentals across all songs. Not only is it an introduction to the unique sound and style that C-Diffy brings to the industry, but it’s also a check-in on the overall health and wellbeing of the American society and the positive and negative influences of culture in today’s mixed-up world. 


“I believe a lot of artists nowadays are just going along with the trend of being a typical rapper – talking about money and success and bragging,” C-Diffy said. “My angle is the exact opposite. I’m talking about not feeling great about myself and not being complete but trying to figure out how to feel good and get past mental issues in my life. I’m bringing a more relatable aspect through my music than was it out there in a lot of other places. I’m bringing a message that can resonate.” 


The debut single from the album is a song called “Monster Within” which is slated to drop June 5 across all streaming platforms. It’s a song that explores the monster within all of us, the bad elements and negative thoughts that often invade when we’re least expecting it. Those negative vibes work against us, C-Diffy said, and he hopes this song will help create a dialogue around those situations and begin to give people struggling with those inner demons a way to find relief. 


“If you ever start doubting yourself – thinking how bad you are and how inadequate you are and how you’re not good enough to do anything in your life – then this song is for you,” he said. “It’s about that demon inside of you that is always trying to bring you down. It took a while for me to recognize that in my own life, and I’m still trying to work through it in a lot of ways. So this song is an anthem for people like me who are working through that struggle.” 


C-Diffy said he hopes he becomes known more and more for being an artist who creates unique flows with honest conversations about mental health over 808-laced instrumentals. He’s been working to perfect that sound and style for many years, and he’s now ready to bring that creative energy to the world in powerful ways. 


“If you want to hear some music that can entertain you but also make you think – not the typical type of Rap but something different – then I’m the artist for you,” he said. 

To listen to C-Diffy’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit: 




“The Check-In” 


“R.I.P Everyone” 


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