NEW HEAT ALERT: Fresh ft. G.Y. - Crazy

Fresh was born and raised in the midwest, Iowa to be exact and has been rapping since the age of 15 but eventually got serious about his craft when he started getting positive feedback from everyone that heard him spit. He started off in a local neighborhood group that went by the name,"M.O.L."(Mind Of A Lunatic) making tapes on a karaoke machine....everyone thought they were a force to be reckoned with and they were. As Fresh got a little older he decided to change his style up and get more versitile with his flow, that was a pivital moment in his life. He started getting gigs at local clubs and community fuctions which in turn boost his credibility. Since then Fresh has went on to open up for Yung Joc, Twista, and Stevie Stone of Strange Music amoung others and is making major moves now,so be on the look out for that dude they call Fresh!

About the track: 
It's one of them tracks everybody can vibe with, I felt like takin a break from the monotony. We're in an era now where a lot of dudes don't want/ or know how to express feelings for a special lady in their lives. I feel this track does just that, without being to sappy, Lol.


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