“Totally Tubed” Rides the High on Streaming Platforms, Showcasing Dale Bushka’s Songwriting Techniques 

SAUGUS, CALIFORNIA - Dale Bushka is a versatile songwriter stepping out into the limelight with his original song, “Totally Tubed,” and getting noticed for his melodic lyrics and ability to appeal to listeners in numerous genres.  

“I am very creative,” said Dale Bushka, who’s been writing songs for 50 years. “When you listen to today’s songs, and, believe me, I’ve been listening to the newer songs. A lot of these songs are formulated. They’re the same song over and over again. But my songs are all different.” 

Bushka’s writing style is multifaceted, allowing his songs to extend into multiple genres. Pop, Christian, Rock, and Country songs are found in his songwriting discography. 

However, he is not looking to fill a particular musical style but related to fans with original music and heartfelt lyrics. Unlike other artists who write, sing, and produce their work, Bushka is a songwriter seeking a singer, band, and producer. Previously he worked with a friend who produced, sang, and performed on his songs. However, as life would have it, his friend pursued other career opportunities leaving Bushka, a songwriter, without a band. Not letting that stop him, Bushka is promoting the songs that have been produced in hopes of connecting to musicians looking for a songwriter.  

“Totally Tubed” is a fun pop song featured on YouTube that showcases Bushka’s songwriting abilities. Keeping summer alive throughout the year, the piece focuses on a surfer facing a giant wave who bails out ‘fore he wipes out. Not letting the wave get the best of him, he jumps back on his board and prepares for the next big wave.  

With a strong chorus and catchy beach-like vibe, the song is packed with fun. “It is just like surfing. It’s about enjoying and loving life. ‘Totally Tubed’ brings back that kind of fun and enjoyment everybody can relate to,” he said. 

In addition to “Totally Tubed,” Bushka is getting noticed with “Badass Jesus.” While the song title may indicate a negative take on Christianity, the opposite is true. “Badass Jesus” is an edgy punk rock song that strikes a chord with listeners. “Instead of being a passive song, it shows Jesus as a strong person and teaches us to be strong,” said Bushka.  

While Bushka is not seeking fame and fortune from his songwriting, he is passionate about his craft. “I create music, and I want to put it out there for everyone to enjoy. It is what I do and love.”

Make sure to stay connected to Dale Bushka for new music. 
Badass Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhyQrI7kfgM 
Totally Tubed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc9DjJEbYQ8 

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