First world and last world.

Day of the time… What is the password.

Pure or purified the water that you pour?

Water falls free from the sky,

yet we must catch it at the store.

Cash is king in this tango regime.

It takes you.

Mind first as a child.

They break you….

so you can’t exist in the wild

Wild means free for animals.

What are we?

What are we not?

Before you proceed… What’s the source of your thought?

If it’s not you, how can you know what’s you and what’s not you?

You are sublime twine and they try to knot you.

Maritime ties at berth.


Lies exert such influence.

Spell what you’re under.

Spell it out loud.

Feast your eyes on the sky and not clouds.

Dive deep into soul and drop doubt.

Leave such by the wayside.

This is no time to waste time

unless you slay it as a paradigm.

Crack the clock’s code.

Realize it’s a foot and hours are inches.

It’s simply a ruler bent on circular dimensions.

Tick tocks tempt the drum-skin’s tension.

All is rhythm. All is fitting.

Somehow Someway…

The hood and habit will be lifted

and Babbling Brook’s whoredom unveiled in the nunnery courtyard.

Mounting a cross on St. Peter’s Square’s obelisk….

What else was stolen from across the sea

under the holy see’s  auspices?

And placed after Papacy Apostrophes.

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…(Sung)

Nah, I don’t like that song.

Go down Moses way down in Egypt…(Sung)

Nah, I don’t like that one either.

Gimme one mic any day over ether…

patience over a gesticulating preacher…

a rugged mane and beard over domesticated features...

This is what free… Damn that.

This is what priceless looks like.

Is this hubris or humility?

Call it what you like. I call it authenticity.

I compete with none so none can compete with me,

therein rearing resentments that some may harbor secretly.

I seek not for fame or acclaim.

Pride’s a pretty petty prison and its warden is shame.

Easy aim sports… It’s all in the game.

“You can’t win,” the scarecrow sings.

Gee Wiz… Are we wise?

Hmmm… In whose eyes?

Is it via the osmosis of follies?

Dare you be true with no apologies,

no qualifiers, or disclaimers?

Can your character be stainless?

I say yay. Just be more than mere claimant.

Be not just well crafted words and fine raiment,

evocative appearance and convincing statements.

Be you. Be full. Be whole.

Wholly and solely wrest all control

from the system’s agents pointed fingers

primed to press you into a mold.

For it or against it? Either way, sheep in a fold,

gathered by opposing shepherds

who civilly sit and break bread like brethren.

Dining on mutton and lamb… You and your children…

Then there’s turkey and ham on the day of thanksgiving.

It’s cold. Have a blanket. Beat it and keep it in the closet.

While your inner child blows comic thought balloons

which so clearly reveal to the not so casual observer

your present personality’s causative nature.

It all comes out in the wash…

what you escalate or quash…

Egos celebrate ego’s demise

in clever costumes cut from Emperor’s new clothes cloth.

Daiikiru Maximillion

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