Sarafino Exerts Power over Potential on Latest Album Departure


Sarafino doesn’t just follow his dreams. He stalks them. He tracks them through the perilous wilderness of personal tragedy. He hunts their trails and pursues them with vengeance. For those whose “I can’t” mantra holds them in place, Sarafino offers guidance. “There’s probably someone that thought the same thing before they came up with a great invention or a great thing,” said Sarafino. “I would tell them that there are a lot of people that said they can’t. That’s just what you’re thinking in the moment. You might fail. But you’re going to learn from that failure. The people that achieve success have failed the most times.”  

Already an adept lyricist, Sarafino views his latest album Departure as a major transition in his career. “I’m always telling a story. I’m keeping it genuine. People see the way that I live. I’m going away from what I used to be.” Departure represents Sarafino leaving behind old, outdated patterns and habits. “It’s a symbolic departure,” Sarafino explained. “When you go to an airport, departure is taking off. I feel like I’m taking off. Not just in life but in music too.”  

Sarafino’s narratives on Departure draw from authentic loss and grief. “Stay True” finds him eulogizing friends and family members lost to addiction. “I’ve had a lot of people in my life struggle with addictions to alcohol,” Sarafino remembered.  “All types of drugs. That’s the environment that I grew up in. That’s all I saw around me. For the longest time, I thought things like that were ok. As I grew and matured, I learned otherwise.” An active duty soldier in the US Army, Sarafino also commemorated friends and fellow soldiers who died by suicide. “My best friend from when I first came to the States committed suicide,” he said. “My college teammate committed suicide. The military has people so trapped; it’s hard for people to search for help.” 

Refusing to let tragedy deter him from victory, Sarafino runs GoDreamchase. In addition to nutritional supplements, the organization also provides life coaching. But that’s not all. “I have an ultimate vision for GoDreamchase being the ultimate corporation,” Sarafino said. “I do a lot of personal training. We have supplements. We’ll launch an apparel line soon. Going down the line, I plan on purchasing a facility.”  

Sarafino’s GoDreamchase features 3 core elements: mind, body, and spirit. “A lot of people try to chase success and happiness,” said Sarafino. “Those are things that won’t be obtained. If you chase a million dollars and you get it, there’s still more money to earn.” Happiness, Sarafino believed, comes when people find meaning and purpose in what they do.  “Happiness is a byproduct,” he went on. “For you to be happy, you have to be aligned in the aspects of mind, body, and spirit. Happiness is an emotion. It has to be content in that moment, but it’s not guaranteed in the next moment.”  

Stream Sarafino’s music, find out more about GoDreamchase, and follow his social media channels at the links below.  


Snapchat: @gsarafino

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