The Genie Cuffs

1.  The Genie Cuffs are worn to keep you grounded. 

2.   Before you put the cuffs on, let them sit in the sun for no less than 10 minutes.  The longer that the cuffs sit in the sun, the more manifestation you will have.

3.  Too much spirituality is a bad thing.  Put on the cuffs and do the 3 point ray.  Sit back.  Do not speak of spiritual matters while you are wearing the bracelets. 

4. While wearing the bracelets.  Focus on exactly what you want TODAY.  Do not think of what you want tomorrow or next week.  Focus on TODAY and TODAY only.  

5.  Do not get the cuffs wet.  This will completely nullify the power of the cuffs.  This is because the water puts out the fire.  Do not continue to wear cuffs that have been wet.  Do not keep them.  Bury them in your back yard and light a candle for them at least once a month.

6.  Stay well groomed while you wear the cuffs.  Your clothing should have no extra threads hanging.  Every hair should be clipped and well groomed.  There should be no ash between the fingers or dirt under the nails.

7.  When the sun is down, place the cuffs near some speakers and tune them this frequency below.  The longer that you play, the better the effect.  If you notice that your cuffs have lost their magic, tune them longer.

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