The winter solstice, according to ancient spiritual cultures, is the time when the energies of the earth enable the greatest enhancement to the ability to enter the state of altered consciousness, thus enhancing man’s ability to communicate with her/his spirit and the Divine World Spirit.  It is also the time when the Divine World Spirit dispenses the seeds that will govern the coming year.  The 2012 Winter Solstice also marks the ending of the current era of 5126 years (Kali Yuga—age of darkness), and the beginning of a new era that will manifest greater spiritual awareness in the world—Age of Aquarius, Satya Yuga, etc.  Only those people that are in harmony with divine law, and especially those that have made a special preparation for the occasion through initiations will receive the spiritual dispensation that will descend during the solstice.  Yes, there will be a catastrophe; being left out of the direct reception of the dispensation.

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