In Hip-Hop we see a lot of different styles of jewelry from the big rings,to candy clay chains to leather medallions but the one thing that remains constant are the beads. from Zulu Nation to down south,theres just something about a good set of beads that feels right, and since 1989 the Beadmasters has got that feeling. Started by rapper Jamalski (yep THAT one) Beadmasters has laced some of Hip-Hops finest with the illest custom beadwork. from over sized medallions to Hip-Hop staples,Beadmasters gets it done. and they live up to their motto "Heavy On The Neck" they dont use cheap chains that come from china. everything is hand made and of great quality. and of couse with any custom job comes a custom price,but believe it or not Beadmasters prices are quite affordable and given the quality are actually a bargain.

so if youre in the market for some custom jewelry,hit up beadmasters!!


Check Out Beadmasters NYC's Website (Click Here)

Check Out Beadmasters NYCs Etsy Store (Click Here)

Check Out Beadmasters NYC Facebook Page (Click Here)

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