Poemoe's Comments - HOODX 5.0: XVerse

Poemoe's Comments

Comment Wall (63 comments)

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At 11:03am on December 20, 2020, Stella Abud said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(mrsstellaabudheir@gmail.com ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


At 4:26pm on October 1, 2020, Goldie Himllayya said…
At 9:50pm on October 7, 2015, Angela A Simmons said…

Hey King thanks for having me! I'm coming to find out you are a very wise man love the blogs keep em coming! 

At 6:38am on April 26, 2015, Po EL Bear Supreme of the UK said…


At 12:46am on January 10, 2015, LegalFamGroupEnt said…
Thanks for accepting my friend invite. We as a team is going to finest our grind as a team. You will see a whole lot more of us. This is Meloest Calm the dude on that Big Daddy Kane beat. I like the support the movement is grounded and we all work hard and play our positions.we have music on Sound Cloud and our facebook is http://m.facebook.com/pages/Legal-Fam-Group-Ent/257003821102691 check us out if you like, like the page. Thanks we on the move just need need support.
At 7:41pm on January 8, 2015, Auset Mchristion-Thomas said…
At 5:26am on January 2, 2015, Daiikiru Maximillion said…

Thank you kindred. Already on it. Godspeed in deed. One.

At 8:11pm on July 7, 2014, K-Blao said…

Thank you for being part of our community.  This crown is issued for posting 25 pictures to our site.

At 8:03pm on July 7, 2014, K-Blao said…

Thank you for being part of our community.  This crown is issued for posting 25 blogs to our site.

At 7:39pm on July 7, 2014, K-Blao said…

Thank you for being part of our community.  This crown is issued for posting 25 videos to our site.

At 12:07am on March 7, 2014, K-Blao said…
At 12:05am on March 7, 2014, K-Blao said…
At 1:56pm on January 17, 2014, 1life1chance Ross said…

Nice stuff!! Keep striving my brother!!!

At 1:42pm on November 27, 2013, Sepia said…
Thank you soooooo much for your support! It's a wonderful feeling to know that someone else appreciates what you do. At least now, I don't feel like I'm on this island alone. Thanks again and nothing but the best for you and your fam.
At 2:21am on September 26, 2013, K-Blao said…
At 1:25pm on July 30, 2013, Cartier said…

At 4:32pm on July 29, 2013, K-Blao said…
At 4:48pm on June 6, 2013, paulette wilson said…

thanks 4 the add

At 12:14am on May 24, 2013, La'Ra said…

i appreciate the hospitality ... if thats the proper nomenclature ...

At 4:31pm on March 21, 2013, cereza divine said…

most definitely :) spring has begun and i, too, have sprung. feeling on top of the world. you good?

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