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As a poet, I believe that Agent Smith has deployed an entire team to wreck havoc in my life. My latest encounter is with Facebook. A few nights ago, I created a "business page" and decided to send out "friend requests" to other Facebook users. Within minutes, people started responding by "liking" my page and confirming my friend requests. Within hours, Facebook locked down my account and suspended me (one week) from "sending friend requests". As it stands now, I cannot access my Facebook account unless I delete the list of people who have not yet responded to my "friend requests".
As a result, I sent an email to Facebook (no response of course). Why? Because this is the second time that Facebook has alleged or suggested "harassment" on my part for sending "friend requests". The third time that they have sent me a notification about my activity on their social media platform. Confused? Me too.
Walk with me through this matrix. I joined Facebook back in July. At that time, with the help of my son, I created a personal page. He gave me a brief tutorial as to how to do this and that while on Facebook. That same evening, I sent "friend requests" to various people I knew; friends and family. After a few weeks or so, I received a message from Facebook with a list of some of the people who did not respond to their friend requests, stating that such actions (sending "friend requests" to people who don't respond) were considered "harassment". Huh? I thought that's what Facebook was for--connecting to people worldwide. That was the first incident.
The second incident occurred when I went to play a game that I normally play and was chastised by Facebook for sending game items to help other players get to other levels. According to Facebook, I wasn't supposed to be helping people I didn't know. What's most interesting about that incident was that I couldn't understand how those people had found me. One day, when I logged into the game, I had a long list of people asking for my help. No problem. I hit a button that said "send to all" and that was that--at least that's what I thought. Every time I log into the game, more and more people are adding on. Still, no problem. Send to all--click!
My most recent incident happened a few nights ago. This time, I went through an extensive list of names that had been compiled by Facebook that showed people who were friends of friends and suggested that I send them a "friend request". Okay, cool. I went down the list and selected some of the names and sent "friend requests" as suggested by Facebook. As mentioned earlier, people started responding. The next day (not a full 24 hrs. later) the ball dropped. When I went to log into my account, I was greeted by a big bold message stating that I had been suspended from sending "friend requests" for 7 days. Oh . . . and that my sending the requests were considered "harassment". There goes that word again--"harassment". Huh? This recent incident is quite obvious since Facebook did not allow the people to whom I sent the "friend requests" time to respond.
I responded by sending an email to Facebook (no response) asking if there is a "friend request" limit per day, month, week or year. And, by challenging their "harassment" policy by explaining that they were the ones who provided me with the list of names of people who were connected to me. The funny thing about it all is that some of these people are "blood relatives" or people related to me by marriage. In addition, I reminded them of the previous time when the people were at least allowed "a reasonable period of time" to respond. At this point, I'm wondering who's harassing who.
The way things are going, it is only a matter of time before they shut down my Facebook accounts. Agent Smith (as stated in the Agent Smith Lit) and his entourage have been crafting a case against me ever since I joined back in July. There is a saying that states that if the system isn't doing anything against you, then you are not doing anything relevant. I guess "My Thoughts on a Verdict" and "Inner City Cries" videos are much more powerful than I realize.
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