The Sun Up/ Son Down Lit
1. When a woman (Earth) looks at a man (Sun) and sees him "going up and down"and rotating around her instead of vice versa.
2. Subconsciously, we think that the sun is INSIDE the earth "going up and down" .In actuality, the Sun DOESN'T MOVE. We move.
3. Men are solar based. Women are lunar based. The trick is to get the man to believe that the sun (him) rotates around the earth (her),but a wise man knows that THE SUN DOESN'T MOVE..
4. By the sun and its brightness. By the moon as it follows it (sun). Ash-Shams 91:1-2..
5. Allah the most high says ; And the sun runs on its on fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the decree of the All-MIGHTY, the ALL KNOWING. And the moon, we have measured for it mansions (to traverse) till it returns like the old dried curved date stalk. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day .They all float, each in a orbit. Ya-Seen 36;38-40..
6. Sometimes y
ou will see the moon during the day, but you would never see the sun at night. This is symbolic of the woman attempting to overtake a man's light.

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