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Self Mutilation Lit
1.  Self mutilation, or self destruction, is the instructional virus that was created by Set and given to the sacred agents as a tool to keep…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 26, 2016 at 11:00pm — No Comments
The Taurusverse
You come into the world alone and you go out of the world alone yet it seems to me you are more alone while living than even going and coming. Â -Emily Carr
In a place where all inhabitants have only one half of a soul, the Taurusverse is a ruthless…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 26, 2016 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments
1.  A chamber is a very specific situation that is based on certain degrees of drama that can be communicated under the HOODX Lit.  This is also considered "the act" or conditioning of drama that plays out based on how the stage was set.  Chambers are of a world of their own.…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on September 19, 2015 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment
Talking to the Fish ~Scroll
1.  When someone (Typically a water or fire sign) is speaking to someone else and the speaker is talking about a topic in a way that is a combination of abstract,…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on August 30, 2015 at 5:30pm — 3 Comments
The Reset Button
1. Besides the Pink Lilith Avatar and the You Get's No Love Lit from Sacred Agents, the Reset Button is one of the most inevitable and notorious weapons that Set uses in order to defeat the Heru Avatar.  It is "calcification of the pineal gland" that takes Heru out of the form of Het-Heru and returns him into the vortex of terrain, which can be…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on August 19, 2015 at 12:00am — 2 Comments
Tea Time
1. Tea time is the ceremony of the Mad Hatter Avatar, who is stuck in a time loop of repeated drama and habits. It is the uncontrollable desires and habits of the Mad Hatter Avatar.
2. In Tarot, the chariot is the seventh card, symbolizing the idea of many different opposing forces coming together. Black and white come together. Man and woman come together.…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 11:00pm — No Comments
Smith is Ruthless
1. The harsh reality of the natural programming of the matrix does not consist of the natural elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, which creates man and woman. The matrix exists in the ether and can only be seen by the Heru Avatar after his missing eye has been restored. Because the matrix programming is completely incongruent to the natural elements of life, it…
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment
Excruciation (Scroll)
1. Also known as "the wall of fire", this is a moment in time where one is aware that they are being emotionally tested, usually based on the nature of their negative zodiac avatar.
2. For example, if a person is an air sign, they will constantly find themselves in situations where their time is being wasted, communication is at a low…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments
Set the Stage Lit
1. Because life plays out as drama (or R6 programming), there are times when the matrix programming will create a situation that makes you appear like a character in a film. Sometimes this happens automatically, but it can also be manipulated by agents of chaos through chantaje.
2. For example, the negative zodiac avatars are rooted in triggers that are…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments
The False History Lit
1. The notion that one should ignore the harsh reality of a situation, especially when there has been a proven history of CCDD. The situation is requiring one to fall under the Water Lit and ignore all of the jewels. This is also known as "putting yourself to sleep."
2. The Mad Hatter Avatar is a concept of being "stuck in a time loop" of…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments
The Isfet Avatar
1. The physical embodiment of CCDD. Â
2. Where as Agent Smith takes over the body unwillingly, Isfet is the willingness to let CCDD takeover the body. Situations like this include provking an argument, sexual deviance including twerking and masturbation, premeditated violence, and Put Your Life on the Line.…
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments
1. An automatic defense system set up by the ego to defend itself from a perceived attack. Typically, the response is rooted in emotion instead of logic and reason.
2. A moment in time where one "steps outside" of their own logic and reason in order to justify their own ego. This is a gateway to the Desperation Lit, Imma Get You Back Lit and Put Your Life on the…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 6, 2015 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment
Hardwired to the Ether Lit
1.  In the Set Address, Set points out the fact that Heru's genetic DNA is "hardwired to the…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on September 26, 2014 at 1:30am — 1 Comment
The ODB Avatar
1. The notion that there is no father to a particular style of congruence or personality. This person's particular style of personality is completely…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on June 18, 2014 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments
The Metu-Neter refers to the 9 original Godbody Avatars, which is the beginning of knowledge. 1 being Ausar, 2 being Tehuti, 3 being Sekher, 4…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 6, 2014 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment
The Blue Beam Lit
1. The hypotic, holographic, interchangeable, blue stream of pure energy that has the ability to control large amounts of people.
2. Mastered by…
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 6, 2014 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments
The Doublemint Lit
1. Totally contradicting yourself without even realizing it.
2. Trying to move in two opposing directions at the same time with the inability to make a decision.  …
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 6, 2014 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment
The Harsh Reality Lit
1.When one faces the hopelessness of their situation without regret, fear, or disillusionment.Â
2. Similar to the Program Still…
ContinueAdded by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on May 6, 2014 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments
The PoeMoe Avatar (PoeMatic)
1.  The most difficult avatar to obtain in HOODX, the PoeMoe or "Poematic" Avatar cannot be properly explained in any language because he is poetry in motion.  This avatar is the sum total of all knowledge  and the balance between all…
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 19, 2014 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments
The Storm Avatar
1.  The black goddess who controls the weather and conditioning of time without time.  She is the daughter of Auset and the sister bride of Heru.  This Avatar is the most rare Avatars of…
Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 7, 2014 at 11:00pm — 7 Comments
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