The "Acceptance of the Chaos" Lit

1. When subconsciously  we accept the fact that although we are black Africans living in America, we must put that aside in order to live day to day in America.

2. When the brain overrides the heart.

3. The moment that you realize that you are going to spend a lot of time doing some bullshit that you'd much not rather be doing, but you realize that you have to in order to survive. This thought will eventually lead to overriding the quest to understand God.

4. Subconsciously believing that the American Mason/Jezebel lifestyle is better than living a life as a priest or a secluded monk.


5. The reason why people don't look for God in everything that they do.


6. The reason why someone subconsciously puts material/tangible items first, but God second.

7. Subconsciously choosing to live two or three incomplete and sometimes hypocritical lives instead of one complete harmonious life. Justifying why it isn't possible instead of why it is possible.

8.  Realizing that you can't leave the hood, so instead you become "Ghetto Fabulous."

Views: 478


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Comment by K-Blao on September 7, 2015 at 4:59am

Comment by DENNIS JACKSON on July 11, 2014 at 12:22pm

The term "Hood Rich" pops in the brain while reading this.

Comment by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on April 21, 2014 at 2:01am

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