Akashic = from Sanskrit "akasha' meaning 'aether' or literally "BLACK".
Darshana = from Sanskrit root dṛś "to see", sight, vision, apparition, or glimpse. Hebrew Strong's Number 1875 "darash" means "to investigate, enquire", "to consult, enquire of, seek of God or of heathen gods, necromancers (those who contact the dearly departed)"
The Akasha is the alchemical combination of the 5 elements.
Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Heart.
Earth is your body. Wind is the air you breath. Water is the fluid and plasma of your body. Fire is the friction from movement in your body. Heart is The Will.
To get access the akasha you must combine all 5 elements.
All 5 of these elements are living things and generate electrical fields called auras. The aura is how we are to dig into the akasha, but first we must get an elementary understanding of the 5 elements.
Earth and Water are "Aum", "Om, "Imn", "On", "En", and "Nun"
Fire and Air are "Han", "Sa", "Han-Sa", "Shu", "Wu", and "Chi".
Earth conducts electricity because of the iron, copper, and sometimes gold. Also as Earth is a solid carbon based particle, it moves which caus...
Wind generates electrical fields because of the friction against other particles. Wind is the result of something moving, which causes something else...
Water generates electrical fields because it carries a current.
Fire generates electrical fields because it heats particles and causes movement.
Heart generates electrical fields because it is the force that drives all to its destination, the True Will. This is also why your heart has an SA node.
These are all basic understandings of the 5 elements. The words here only convey the meaning and purpose and the use of these elements on an elementary level, any scientific or high scientific level of meaning or use is solely up to the reader.
When all 5 elements are balanced, you enter the aura. The ego itself is lost and you drop in the aura like a stone in a pond, this creates a ripple effect in the akasha.
This rippling of the akasha mirrors the aura and allows The All (El Kuluwm) to know your presence which then allows True Will to guide you.
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