The Sacred Agents (Sacred Smith)

1. The friends and family members of Heru who have not awakened to the full resurrection of self. Although they feel that Heru is right, they also believe that Heru lives in a dream world because they cannot see the ether. Therefore they prefer to StandUnder something more tangible.

2. The "innocent bystanders" who cannot fully be held responsible for the CCDD that Heru must poplock order to reach the King Mindset. They are not aware that they bring Death to the King by choosing to StandUnder the Culture of Def.

3. Sometimes half-cocked, the Sacred Agents will poplock the infinite mind with Heru as a Chantaje technique. This is in attempt to stop Heru from passing through the "Wall of Fire" and unlocking the King Mindset. A female Sacred Agent may even suggest the Madden Lit as a final attempt to bring Death to the King.






4. The friends and family members who watch main stream television programs and listen to music designed by the Deceptacom. This keeps the energy in the house at an operative blue-ray Vril energy that calcifies the pineal gland with holographic, contaigious characters. These main stream characters will give birth to the predictable personality traits of the American ego, played out by the HOODX Avatars.


5. In the Set Address, at the end, Set speaks directly to the Sacred Agents. He explains to them they they will lose their power of influence of Heru if he begins to wake up. He explains that he does not have full control of the Main Stream any more, so Auset may be able to slip in Information that may cause Heru to begin to wake up. This is why the Sacred Agents must continue to watch and control the Deceptacom in the house, keeping the Vril energy up to date. This, along with Concentrated Thought, will be the driving force that they use to bring Death to the King.


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